Steven gerrard affair with a 16 year old girl

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Nov 23, 2008
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I don't get out of bed for anything less than a potentially sensational story, and this one could be enormous.

There's a rumour spreading like wildfire on the internet that Steven Gerrard is facing accusations he got a 16-year-old Liverpool girl pregnant.

Fan site report that the News of the World are planning to break the story on Sunday - while some sources are suggesting Gerrard has a court injunction to keep the girl quiet.

There are also rumours circulating that Gerrard's wife Alex Curran has been having an affair with a Derby County player.

According to some sites, Gerrard will leave Liverpool at the end of the season after finding out about the affair.

Of course, it could all be scurrilous gossip with no foundation whatsover. Watch this space.
there was a thread on this like 2 weeks ago its all bullshit
Heard it all before, my thread on this got closed so I shouldn't imagine it'll be long before this one follows suit.
wernt sure mate i just sore it today but still shocking to i did not see the thread so if there was sorry but just was shocked to read it now.

are right sorry lads wernt sure if some one had posted it up.
It's not bullshit it's true. Just wait for it, knew about this about a month ago.. it's definately true.

Also, my source knew about the Terry saga two weeks before it came to light.
ok sorry lads if this thread get closed that cool wernt sure if some had posted up typical gerard though

If it is true ive lost all my respect to him as a player i dont know why he cheat on his wife shes not bad looking
Maybe to get back at her for cheating on him with Kris Commons..
mybe but with a 16 year old bit daft but then again commons did it before to billy davies if i remember why davies went to forest
It's not bullshit it's true. Just wait for it, knew about this about a month ago.. it's definately true.

Also, my source knew about the Terry saga two weeks before it came to light.

really ?? core now im starting to believe it abit lol i will feel sorry for gerrard abit if it does come out but you could say he deserves it for sleeping with a teenage girl in the first place
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