
Jul 22, 2010
Reaction score
i have 20 mln and i need good striker for Arsenal, good replacement for van Persie:)
Add couple mils and go for Cavani. Also Leandro Damiao could be available for that price. What year are you in?
Well he's quite good on FM so you should keep him. Sell him next summer and you'll get 15-25m out of him.
ok i think about it
so i have still 20 mln and i want buy striker or right winger
whta you think about douglas costa from shachtar?
Try buying Yaya Sanogo whos will probably need time to develop, or you could try buying Javier Saviola.
Douglas Costa is great , if u need a good striker , use Vela he's free and in my opinion better then Van Persie...
If you got real cash , buy Hulk ...
im in 2017 and utd have douglas costa, he is considered one of the top ten in the world, get him for 20-23 mill, if you are just starting your career then buy tevez, 16 mill, break the bank for his wages believe me its sooooo worth it.
leonardo. nuff said. chamak is okay, but sell him after 1 season.