Striker for Swansea first season

Mar 15, 2012
Reaction score
hello i am Swansea in first season and am looking for a good striker not necessarily young but not too old tried Kweuke but he gone to Arsenal i have £11M as i have sold Ashley Williams to Southampton for £5,25M and bought in Okore for £1.25M and the striker preferably needs to be able to go straight into the team and score goals
thank you!
play 4-5-1 with 1 up top and michu just behind as thats his favoured position on FM
Charlie austin was scoring goals for me, got 13 in my first season with Southampton
He was a poacher so i tried him in that when i signed him, but i changed him to a deep lying forward and developed his stats to correspond with this, since then he has performed better for me.
Danny graham is a great player but you could also look at Nem(3.5m) Zaha(7.5m) adryan(1m) and demba Ba(7.5m)
Nem gone to Corinthians i feel Zaha not very good on game adryan i ve got him and using him as a attacking midfielder also Ba is at Chelsea on mine as i used editor and also Ademilson been picked up by Q.P.R so i aint got much luck
matt destro? zigic for season deadly DLF! erm ruben rochina, v,kadlec,
I brought zaha in my first season at swansea and with him as a poacher he performed amazing and scored 14 as a lone poacher playing rotation with graham, his stats may not be amazing but they develop rapid and he always performs, he basically won me the Fa cup aswell
Ive just started a season with Swansea..

Will Hughes, Lucas Piazon on loan, Ryan Donk and Andi Weimann i brought

good young set of players, can play now aswell as be very good future prospects
Libor Kozak
Vaclav Kadlec
Christian Danalache (in Korea somewhere)
Adriano (Flamengo) -though he' s free in January
Yaser Al Qaqtani
Jan Chramosta
Danny Graham is quality, just use him and keep Luke Moore as back-up. I finished 8th with Swansea with Graham as my top scorer, he's quality.

Selling Williams is a mistake as he is one of the best defenders after a season or two.
Danny Graham scored around 20 goals for me in my first season, playing up top on his own as AF, usually with Michu behind him as AMC. I now have Carlos Fierro and Ademilson as back up and trained Michu to play as a striker so he can play there comfortably the odd time.
I sold Danny Graham and bought Ademilson as well as Wellington Nem in my first season and I finished 6th. Ademilson is quality but went on a long goal drought. Nem scored quite a few, as did Michu and Dyer.
All you need with Swansea is Michu IF behind Danny Graham they got me 5th place first season