
Nov 3, 2010
Reaction score
Okay so i have a striker called Tommy Amos for my FC United side. He netted 17 goals in 11 games at the start of the season, but has now struggled to score!

What should i do ?
I'm currently facing the same problem with mine, giving him a rest at the moment as i have another striker on loan but any other suggestions would be good :)
Could just be a dip in form? How many games/how long is his goal drought?
Try doing an individual team talk before a game of "you have faith" likely result will relax the player and he should begin to start scoring again.
It was over 7 hours, but it's sorted now, he's banging them in again. I just stuck with him, and he eventually scored a hat-trick.
mine scored 29 out of 33 apps last season....so far this season 3 goals out of 25 apps.

1410 mins since last goal :S
I changed tactic from 4-4-2 wingers to a standard 4-4-2 but hes still got his main position as poacher...could that be the problem now that i think about it?! Although he is still getting his chances....he just keeps missing!

His name is Ryan Taylor if you want to check him out btw. :)
I'm not sure, to be honest.

The formation change could have an effect, but I'd also recommend having a word with him, and perhaps putting him on a individual training regime to improve his composure?
His composure is currently at 11..i'll have a chat to him and see how i go, just been bringing him on a sub the last few games to try and get his confidence back...really need him back on form to save myself from relegation!

Thanks for the advice, not been playing very long so i appreciate all the help i can get! ;)
Try giving him a banjo, take him to a brothel and and tell him to hit a Friesian's ****.
Use any struggling striker as an impact sub later in matches. Defenders are more tired and it makes scoring easier for them.

Or... Ade Akinbiyi. Brilliant for my side, now working as a coach (not half bad either).