Struggling for possession...


Dec 16, 2010
Reaction score
Im Monaco and have started terribly! Every game I have less than 40% possession and I cant work out why... Im using a similar tactic to the one I used to win the league with Spurs first season

Anyone got any suggestions on how to be more solid and keep possession better? Struggling for goals as well!
usually tactics that work with strong teams like barca real tottenham arsenal liverpool and co. almost never work on weak teams, i guess you play Monaco in second divison?

I'm having similar problems. I've now tried Monaco for 3 different times, getting sacked each and everytime. I'm coming to the conclusion, that the problem is not so much of the tactics (as I've now tried pretty much all variations for tactics), but that the problem is with the squad, where nearly each one of them speaks their own language...there's no common language between the players and add the fact, that it seems that half the players are new. Then you have strikers, who are closing retirement...who don't seem that interested about the game anymore.

Finding it impossible to reach promotion with them, even when on paper the squad looks good.
Ill be honest Ive pulled it back, I went top 2 games ago but then drew with 15th and lost to 18th... theres just no consistency! I was trying to play a fluid game but it just kept catching me out
Sometimes the best tactic in the world will not win Remember its a game and throws a random in there
I was in the same way trying the tactics I won 3 0 4 0 3 1 and then the next game I would lose no matter what happened
I thrn thought ok and made my own tactic from a ready made tactic I then read the coach reports on each player as in this player is best as an Att MD or Playmeker or target man etc and then put the player using the same report in there position as suggested and I won the next game 4 1 ok wow I thought I won again and again then lost to the bottom of the league
So dont get too stressed
Also I find getting the under 21 players and 18 from Belgium Germany etc are the way to go or from a high based club when they are free Sign them up and use them a lot and you soon get a better team

good luck