Suarez found guilty and given an eight match ban

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Mar 27, 2011
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The Liverpool striker Luis Suárez has been banned for eight matches and fined £40,000 after being found guilty of misconduct, regarding "using insulting words towards" Patrice Evra of Manchester United.

The allegations centred around an incident during a Premier League fixture between Liverpool and Manchester United at Anfield on 15 October, during which Evra claimed Suárez racially abused him "at least 10 times".

Both players gave evidence to a three-man panel, led by Paul Goulding QC, as did the Liverpool manager, Kenny Dalglish, who has vigorously defended the Uruguay player since the allegation was made by Evra to the French television station Canal Plus after the game. Liverpool's defence involved arguing that the word "negro" does not necessarily have racist connotations in Uruguay. Evra said that was unacceptable and that Suárez was being offensive as the pair clashed repeatedly in the second half at Anfield.

A Football Association statement said: "An independent regulatory commission has today found a charge of misconduct against Luis Suárez proven, and have issued a suspension for a period of eight matches as well as fining him £40,000, pending appeal.

"On 16 November 2011, the Football Association charged Luis Suárez with misconduct contrary to FA Rule E3 in relation to the Liverpool FC versus Manchester United FC fixture on 15 October 2011.

"A hearing took place from 14-20 December 2011 before an independent regulatory commission of the FA to consider the charge.

"The independent regulatory commission announced its decision on 20 December 2011, which is as follows:

"Mr Suárez used insulting words towards Mr Evra during the match contrary to FA Rule E3(1);

"the insulting words used by Mr Suárez included a reference to Mr Evra's colour within the meaning of Rule E3(2);

"Mr Suárez shall be warned as to his future conduct, be suspended for eight matches covering all first-team competitive matches and fined the sum of £40,000;

"the [penalty] is suspended pending the outcome of any appeal lodged by Mr Suárez against this decision.

"The independent regulatory commission will provide written reasons for its decision in due course setting out:
(a) the findings of fact made by it;
(b) the reasons for its decision finding the charge proved; and
(c) the reasons for the penalty.

"Mr Suárez has the right to appeal the decision of the independent regulatory commission to an appeal board. An appeal must be lodged within 14 days of the date of the written reasons for the decision.

"The penalty is suspended until after the outcome of any appeal, or the time for appealing expires, or should Mr Suárez decide not to appeal. The reason for this is to ensure that the penalty does not take effect before any appeal so that Mr Suárez has an effective right of appeal.

Liverpool released a statement of their own, saying: Liverpool Football Club is very surprised and disappointed with the decision of the Football Association Commission to find Luis Suarez guilty of the charges against him.

We look forward to the publication of the Commission's Judgment. We will study the detailed reasons of the Commission once they become available, but reserve our right to appeal or take any other course of action we feel appropriate with regards to this situation.

We find it extraordinary that Luis can be found guilty on the word of Patrice Evra alone when no-one else on the field of play - including Evra's own Manchester United teammates and all the match officials - heard the alleged conversation between the two players in a crowded Kop goalmouth while a corner kick was about to be taken.

The Club takes extremely seriously the fight against all forms of discrimination and has a long and successful track record in work relating to anti-racist activity and social inclusion. We remain committed to this ideal and equality for all, irrespective of a person's background.
LFC considers racism in any form to be unacceptable - without compromise. It is our strong held belief, having gone over the facts of the case, that Luis Suarez did not commit any racist act. It is also our opinion that the accusation by this particular player was not credible - certainly no more credible than his prior unfounded accusations.

It is key to note that Patrice Evra himself in his written statement in this case said 'I don't think that Luis Suarez is racist'. The FA in their opening remarks accepted that Luis Suarez was not racist.

Luis himself is of a mixed race family background as his grandfather was black. He has been personally involved since the 2010 World Cup in a charitable project which uses sport to encourage solidarity amongst people of different backgrounds with the central theme that the colour of a person's skin does not matter; they can all play together as a team.

He has played with black players and mixed with their families whilst with the Uruguay national side and was Captain at Ajax Amsterdam of a team with a proud multi-cultural profile, many of whom became good friends.

It seems incredible to us that a player of mixed heritage should be accused and found guilty in the way he has based on the evidence presented. We do not recognise the way in which Luis Suarez has been characterised.

It appears to us that the FA were determined to bring charges against Luis Suarez, even before interviewing him at the beginning of November. Nothing we have heard in the course of the hearing has changed our view that Luis Suarez is innocent of the charges brought against him and we will provide Luis with whatever support he now needs to clear his name.

We would also like to know when the FA intend to charge Patrice Evra with making abusive remarks to an opponent after he admitted himself in his evidence to insulting Luis Suarez in Spanish in the most objectionable of terms. Luis, to his credit, actually told the FA he had not heard the insult.
Its just a ridiculous decision, believe me, if substantial evidence came up then he deserves everything he gets, same with every player who is racially abusive to other professionals

Only problem is the FA are setting double standards and seem not one bit interested in doing anything about a much clearer case in Terry/Ferdinand.. where on Camera ' Black C**t' was clearly said

to me the FA have much such an awful decision because of the following reasons:

- Nobody heard the offence, No other players or officials.. and Only Evra himself claims 'racial abuse from Suarez took place'
- There is no video Evidence, Sound evidence. Nothing, they have gone on purely the word of Evra.
- Evra in his opening statement said ' I Believe Suarez is not a racist' something the FA agreed upon, yet they still sanction him.
- Suarez is from a mixed-race family himself including a black grandfather
- Evra twice before has put in claims of racial abuse and both been found to be lies
- Finally, the word in question ' Negrito' is a common word in south america and is used on Chocolate bars, Kids toys ETC, Some of the Uruguayan national team is called are called Monkeys and a former capatin was called ' The Black Boss'

the language barrier is completely different, surely the FA need to understand that

In my opinion with Blatter coming out saying Racism could be sorted with a handshake, Suarez was getting charged from day one.. Guilty or not guilty.. they needed to set an example and they couldnt do that with the England captain as it would look bad on them.
Its just a ridiculous decision, believe me, if substantial evidence came up then he deserves everything he gets, same with every player who is racially abusive to other professionals

Only problem is the FA are setting double standards and seem not one bit interested in doing anything about a much clearer case in Terry/Ferdinand.. where on Camera ' Black C**t' was clearly said

to me the FA have much such an awful decision because of the following reasons:

- Nobody heard the offence, No other players or officials.. and Only Evra himself claims 'racial abuse from Suarez took place'
- There is no video Evidence, Sound evidence. Nothing, they have gone on purely the word of Evra.
- Evra in his opening statement said ' I Believe Suarez is not a racist' something the FA agreed upon, yet they still sanction him.
- Suarez is from a mixed-race family himself including a black grandfather
- Evra twice before has put in claims of racial abuse and both been found to be lies
- Finally, the word in question ' Negrito' is a common word in south america and is used on Chocolate bars, Kids toys ETC, Some of the Uruguayan national team is called are called Monkeys and a former capatin was called ' The Black Boss'

the language barrier is completely different, surely the FA need to understand that

In my opinion with Blatter coming out saying Racism could be sorted with a handshake, Suarez was getting charged from day one.. Guilty or not guilty.. they needed to set an example and they couldnt do that with the England captain as it would look bad on them.

this is such **** sorry.

Evra never made any previous allegations get your facts right.

re: finnan, it was a deaf fan in the crowd who lip read and made the complaint

and Re: chelsea it was phelan and mcclair

Evra didnt even know

we arent in urugruay, we're in england. try calling someone negrito and see if you keep your teeth

he hasnt been done for being racist, he had been done on the lesser charge of using insult that referred to color. i dont think he is racist, but he used a jibe to get under evra's skin that has racial connotations, andthats what he has been done on.

he has been in ajax for 5 years before being here nearly a year. he is not that stupid to realise you cant say certain things

you have no idea what else the fa have looked at. why dont you wait till they release their full report
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Hey Mike, i'm gonna call you a negrito all night at new year, and see how many people around us take offence....
Hey Mike, i'm gonna call you a negrito all night at new year, and see how many people around us take offence....

haha, shotgun not being the one taking you to hospital
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