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Theo <3
Jan 23, 2010
Reaction score
I see alot of people on this site looking thorugh storys and saying i'll follow this one, I also do this to stories that catch my eye but ive noticed sometimes If I'm not online and they update it , The only way i'll be able to see the update is by hunting their story down which can take alot of time, so I was thinking maybe a Subscribe button could be added. This would mean all the storys you subscribe too would appear on your home page when they've been updated, or even a message to your inbox to inform you of an update. Also beside the story it tells you how many people have subscribed to the story too see who racks up the most. Alot like youtube really. Well hope you guys like the idea!
Ive noticed it but never done it allways just search them when i come on
You can.

If you click 'Thread Tools' It says 'Subscribe To Thread'
sounds like a good idea to me
Not a bad idea although at the end of the day it's up to the Mod's and Sean first of all.
I realise you can but thats only be email, i mean a direct thing so it goes straight to your home page and not your email :)
Please all see Coach Carter's post.
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