
Nov 24, 2008
Reaction score
Can someone please help me playing with arsenal with a solid team but keep conceding goals and not creating enough chances. i have tried kofloks goals galore tactic with no joy, can someone please provide me with a solid defensive and attacking plug and play tactic.... Thanks :S
On Topic, here is one suggestion for you

Direct Counter - Deep & Narrow 460

Just remember that plug & play tactics ( if not exploiting the ME) is a thing of the past. You have to react to what is happening on the pitch so whilst this suggestion above might produce result in the long run, there will still be matches when the approach is not up to standard
OK kool how can i download Direct Counter - Deep & Narrow 460 i checked in your thread but cant find the download link...
OK kool how can i download Direct Counter - Deep & Narrow 460 i checked in your thread but cant find the download link...

Funny, I actually checked after posting the message but now the links seems to be broken. Here is a new one and you will find the tactics attached at the bottom of the post
