
Dec 2, 2011
Reaction score
So I have been playing with the same 4-2-2-2 tactic (RaiKan's Ama-Zing tactic with some tweaks) for about 40-odd games. I am fully fluent in all aspects of the tactic. But over a series of 3 games, 4 of my 5 strikers get long term injuries. I change to a 4-2-3-1 formation and instantly the familiarity of the tactic goes down by half to 'competent'. A bit harsh, but if thats how the calculations work then fine. I push one of my attacking midfielders back into a strikers role and change the settings to EXACTLY what I had for the 40-odd games I had before. The familiarity of the formation is still at 'competent' rather than fluent. However all other aspects of the tactic remain 'fluent'. Indeed, they were always fluent even when I was a 4-2-3-1 as I kept the mentality etc the same.

The entire team is exactly the same as before. My attacking midfielder is dark green competence rather than the perfect light green 'natural'.

Help please, as suddenly my 9 game winning streak has ended (I drew at home vs midtable fodder) and all the big title deciders are coming up.
So, you set up your last tactic in the exact same formation that where fluid before, a 4222 ?. If so, for how many days did you use the 4231 in the match prep?. Did you buy any new players ( that will contribute as they dont know the tactic) ?

In previous patches, there was a huge flaw in the match prep that gave these scenarios but after 12.0.4 it should not occur if just "testing" and chnaging formation and then switch back directly without pressing continue
I used the 4231 for approx 1.5 matches and i put in one player that was new as he was returning from a season long injury. I have that same player (Jack Wilshere) who now will also play in the 4222. the rest of the players have been with me all the way through on 4222.
12.0.4 patch? My steam patch version is 12.2.2? If there is a new patch, shouldnt Steam have auto-updated?
I used the 4231 for approx 1.5 matches and i put in one player that was new as he was returning from a season long injury. I have that same player (Jack Wilshere) who now will also play in the 4222. the rest of the players have been with me all the way through on 4222.
12.0.4 patch? My steam patch version is 12.2.2? If there is a new patch, shouldnt Steam have auto-updated?

You did not read what I wrote. I Said that in previous patches, this was bugged BUT since AFTER 12.0.4, it should not occur. Anyway, for how long( not matches) did you not use the 4222 formation. If it was for more than 2 weeks, then the team Will suffer
In terms of days it would be around 7 days.

Even then I am changing formations by moving an attacker to the attacking midfield position. Its not like I am switching tactics massively. A drop from 100% fluent to merely competent (at circa 50%) is a big drop.
In terms of days it would be around 7 days.

Even then I am changing formations by moving an attacker to the attacking midfield position. Its not like I am switching tactics massively. A drop from 100% fluent to merely competent (at circa 50%) is a big drop.

Naturally, the team is not used with the formation if you change it. Dont you think that playing with one forward instead of 2 is different when you basiclly say that " forget the past, lets focus on this instead" ? They will still be as fluid with the other 7 categories meaning that your drop is not from 100 to 50 but instead its from 800 to 750 :D
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I get that - the overall tactic fluidity is still very high. However dumb players might be, I am surprised they exhibit total amnesia in 7 days!

Anyway - thanks for the explanations and your help BetterHalf.
I get that - the overall tactic fluidity is still very high. However dumb players might be, I am surprised they exhibit total amnesia in 7 days!

Anyway - thanks for the explanations and your help BetterHalf.

I always have 3 tactics in the match prep and look at it this way. If I suddeny remove one of my backup tactics or even my main one, its like saying to the players " Hey guys, this approach is NOT one we shall be using anymore, not even as a backup plan so please try to let go of it and instead focus on this new one. If i one week later comes back saying " Guys, I was wrong. That tactic that I even dd not consider to be worthy as a backup tactic is now one that you should be prepared to us"