
Jan 31, 2011
Reaction score
* Note: This is actually for an FM12 save, but I'm posting in the forum for the most recent game because I'm looking for a system rather than a specific tactic *

In my current, long-time, save, I'm managing one of the best teams in the world, with a very deep and versatile pool of players. The one problem that I'm having is with consistently playing well when playing similar calibre teams away from home.

When I'm playing at home, or away to a weaker side, I tend to play a very heavy pressing and possession based tactic (i.e. 70% average possession, one or two players with 100+ passes, etc.). Against even strong sides this works pretty well, and I concede very few goals per season while scoring 2-3 per game (having a 25+ goals per season, 45 in all competitions, striker helps!). Increasingly though, I'm having much less luck when playing strong teams away. I can still get all of the possession, but I'm conceding more and scoring less (and losing more often than I feel we probably should).

What I'm looking for is a general philosophy for these top of the table games. I could just sit back, park the bus, and try and eke out 1-0 victories, but I think my team is better than that. Obviously I'll need to be more direct, but I'd rather stick closer to the possession heavy style that I play in most matches.

The obvious real world possibility would be to go for something similar to Bayern/BVB (I've used Raikan007's FM13 BVB tactic as inspiration). But my attempts to create these sorts of systems often result in tactics that leak goals and lack penetration.

Any ideas about how to play would be very appreciated. As I said, my team is pretty versatile so I'm not restricted to a particular style of play or formation. The only obvious problems would be that I couldn't really go with anything that relies too heavily on wingers (at least not on the left, where I mostly play a right-footed inside forward) and my full backs, while good going forwards, are not great crossers.