Tactics familiarity question !


Nov 22, 2011
Reaction score
Hello,what I still can't fully get is how does tactic familiarity works when you make changes to your tactics. I can't understand if the different categories (formation, philosophy, strategy, width, etc.) are learnt by your players separately or if those categories globally form a single tactic in an indivisible way ?The point is: if I learn 2 different formations (4-4-2 and 4-5-1) with 2 different strategies (the 4-4-2 with "attack" and the 4-5-1 with "counter-attack") and reach the fluid level on both, am I able to play evenly good with a 4-5-1-attack combo (all other sliders unchanged) ? Do I get a familiarity drop ?I find it very hard to find a good balance between adapting tactics to different opponents and keep a decent tactic familiarity :(
Sorry, hard to tell exactely what you are asking there to be honest. With any tactic if you change the philosophy you will see a drop in the players understanding of it. However, don't worry about it too much as you need to be changing it in different situations. For example, if you are 2-0 down with 15 mins to go there is no point having your philosophy set to "contain". I change mine at least once i most games depending on how it's going. Hope this helps?
Thanks for your reply, I understand that the point of my question is not easy ... To give an exemple, I want to employ a 4-4-2 with an attack strategy as a base tactic. I also want to switch to a counter-attack when leading a match, or to adopt a 4-5-1 to accomodate a strong AM replacing one striker in some other situation. I also want to reduce the familiarity hit by learning alternative tactics in match preparation to be ready for all the following configurations:4-4-2 attack4-4-2 counter-attack4-5-1 attack4-5-1 counter-attackDo I need to train them all ? Or maybe is it enough to have a 4-4-2 with attack and a 4-5-1 with counter-attack and then play with any of the above configurations ?Hope to be clear this time, sorry !
The short answer is YES, the TEAM learn each variable and not the tactic as à whole. Just remember that for example the d-line in à 442 and à tactic using à DMC( like the 451) is different( the 442 uses à higher) even though using the same strategy, so things like this will still make your team less familiar with the "mix" of your different tactics.
I think i get what you mean now...I just have two based tactics one 442 and one 451 and i do exactely what you just said (just change the philiosphy in match, rather than train them twice with the same tactic and another philosophy). It works fine for me and means i don't ahve to do all the opposition instruction again etc...the players won't be fully used to it as much but they can handle it (still pretty much know it all) and trust me....it's fine.

In short = no, you only really need to make the two tactics with one philosophy, rather than making 3-4 lol!
Fantastic ! And I also get what TBH points out. This is the reason why I was so afraid to never get a fluid level, since every little change you make implies several different changes in other aspects ! Now it has much more sense, and by creating a good flavour of alternate tactics you can get sufficiently familiar with a good number of alternatives. Not easy but possible at least :-)