The Apocalypse

Aug 1, 2009
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Right, as people might be figuring out, the Apocalypse is about to happen. Consistently good weather in Glasgow is a sign if i've ever seen one (Frankie Boyle), BUT there's also been earthquakes all year, now a volcanic eruption on iceland, leading to an ash cloud covering northern Europe, causing all British flights to be cancelled.

However, it could also be Tor (Norwegian spelling of Thor) getting revenge on British and Dutch banks trying to get Norsemen (icelanders) to return their rightful plunder. The Norse god has a hammer and the Dutch and British god was nailed to a cross. Hint, hint.

it could also be Satan getting his own back, as when i told him i'd sacrifice a virgin each year to him, i thought i only needed to take a virginity. Turned out i didn't read the fine print, but meh. Satan, with his ash cloud, has stranded the girl i was supposed to be ******** on Saturday in Barcelona.

Any other theories?

Disclaimer: This is NOT meant to be taken seriously; lighten up and put together a theory on how/why the Apocalypse may happen now.
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God hates Glasgow. 3 consecutive days of sun, so he decides to punish us with an ash cloud...:)
I have a theory, its all a crock of ****.

The Earth is over 4 billion years old,many catastrophic events have happened and many more are going to happen. Its nothing to do with religion or mystical prophecies, its a fact of life, and it will happen when it happens.
I have a theory, its all a crock of ****.

The Earth is over 4 billion years old,many catastrophic events have happened and many more are going to happen. Its nothing to do with religion or mystical prophecies, its a fact of life, and it will happen when it happens.

You actually think i'm being deadly serious here?
If anything scientists predict that we are overdue another ice-age. Are they prophets? NO.
As for the apocolypse I think too many people are reading into the recent hype about the Mayan calender.
1. Is there actually an eruption in Iceland?
2. The world will end the day i get married... because it's just my luck. :'(
Celtic are **** poor and the catholic's are not getting away with raping choir boys these days and the pope isn't happy, asked God to hit the eject button. Game Over.
Woody, stop taking it so serious... the apocalypse won't come until Carol Vorderman and Barry Chuckle have a child.
aha well i read that the world was going to end in on 21st December 2012 but in the bible it says that the world would end of natural disasters and there will be terrible earquakes all over the world i.e. Brazil (the other day) Chile( Last month ) Haiti ( Januaury) and that there would be heavy snow and mixed weathers

thats what my dad told me ( Bible Basher)
1. Is there actually an eruption in Iceland?
2. The world will end the day i get married... because it's just my luck. :'(

Aye, got lots of friends who've been visiting their families stuck in Scandinavia/Europe because of the ash cloud descending from the place.

Woody, stop taking it so serious... the apocalypse won't come until Carol Vorderman and Barry Chuckle have a child.

that's more like it! Proper theories, none of this scientific pish!
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When Portsmouth find financial footing no doubt.
Anyone reckon all these eruptions, earthquakes et al is just the start of WoW marketing campaign for their new expansion, Cataclysm?
I think I have a solution (albeit temporary) to delay the coming of the apocalypse.

I propose we drop Joey Gudjonnson (angry midget with a whopping big head and ego to match) head first into the currently erupting Icelandic volcano.

I think I have a solution (albeit temporary) to delay the coming of the apocalypse.

I propose we drop Joey Gudjonnson (angry midget with a whopping big head and ego to match) head first into the currently erupting Icelandic volcano.


i loled at that :) amazinn photoshop/paint skills :P
And the weather for tommorrow light wind a bit of rain and the earth ending.

P.S. This will be my last weather forecast as we will all die, goodbye :D