The frustration corner: I know it is me, but I don't know how to fix this.


Oct 11, 2013
Reaction score
Ok, so the new thing in 2013 is that the AI during the match is adapting to you...which means 2 match are never the same, no matter if you are stronger than the opposition.

Now that I know the problem, I can try to find a solution :) I have no idea how my game tactics could counter the opposition. In the old versions I would put a good 11, set my tactic and then see what happens. Now this is gone, and it seems that no matter what I do, there is no real feedback from the game, telling me what am I doing wrong.

I am fine to loose, but I want to do why, and want to do how to avoid it! What I feel this game is doing, is to kick me in the nuts, then sits on the ground looking at me suffering, and then kick me again at random next time, without telling me why am I getting kicked.

Example: I am playing a match with Napoli, in Italian Serie A, going against a team promoted from Serie B; using a 4-2-3-1. I am quite stronger, and no matter what, my game style won't work. But it seems that the game won't follow my instructions...I set short pass and fast pace, so technically I should see player going up toward the opposing goalie, with short pass and triangulations; while instead they play with linear pass and very bland rhythm; so I change style and try to get the defense higher, to give more chances to the midfield to be controlled by my men, but nothing changes; instead I see the opposing team doing what my team should do: passages and hold on the ball, while mine does not attack the one with the ball, and simply try to cover, retreating in my goalie area.

The game won't bother to tell me what is going wrong, there is no real feedback and this is really frustrating me. I am aware that I am doing something wrong, but there is no way to get a feedback, maybe from your assistant, that tells you "dummy, they play with this style, you may want to do this to counter"; or something at the end of the match that tells me what did I do wrong.

Sometimes I feel like the team should play in a way, but I rarely can get it to play as I want, and I don't get why.

Is just me or there is something off in the way that the game has been re-balanced? I am fine with the increased difficulty, and I don't want to play the simplified FM mode, because I want to learn, but there is no learning chance when you play; feel like Daniel san painting the fence all the day, learning nothing.

Is there a way to fix myself and learn actually how to play the new game, or resources that I can use? Feels like all that I do matters little, and I just get 2-3 goal per match, no matter what I do.

Thanks and sorry for the rant; that's the first time that I feel so useless while playing this game that I love so much :)
Ok, so the new thing in 2013 is that the AI during the match is adapting to you...which means 2 match are never the same, no matter if you are stronger than the opposition.

The game won't bother to tell me what is going wrong, there is no real feedback and this is really frustrating me. I am aware that I am doing something wrong, but there is no way to get a feedback, maybe from your assistant, that tells you "dummy, they play with this style, you may want to do this to counter"; or something at the end of the match that tells me what did I do wrong.

I'm on exactly same page as you are. I am in the frustration zone trying to understand how to play the game. I am new to Football Manager. 2013 version is my very first game of Football Manager. I am trying to learn everything. I have vested nearly 600 hours so far and still have too much of things to learn. I think I am little slow at learning.

Let's drop my background now. I am managing a team in bottom playable league of England. Right now, I am venting off a ton of frustration. Yesterday has marked my third straight (3 years) of first round exit from FA England Cup. Because I am bottom league, that means I play against some unknown unplayable club that has a lot of gray attributes (attributes of 1-5). I tried to do good job minimizing the number of gray attributes my squad have. I built my squad to be an offensive powerhouse (relative term, mind you..I'm in bottom league)

What happened during the recent match that marked third straight first-round exit from FA cup...the cruddy club of gray attribute players played perfect defense against me. It was a 1-0 victory for them. No matter how big of gap between my offensive players to their club overall...they blocked so many of my shots...GK made every saves...all CCC/half chances failed to score. Their defense was so clutch. I sit here right now returning back to frustrated mood scratching my head. How could a club from unplayable league that feature a lot of gray attributes (especially defense) that played perfect defense against me for entire 90 minutes match? They only needed 1 on-target shot to score on me and that was the only significant shot they made. All other shots were off-target long shot...I did good job estranging their "feeble" club despite my defense weakness. But no...that only one GK couldn't make the save. While their cruddy GK/defense prevented me from scoring....

So yeah, I feel like what you are saying...What am I doing wrong? How is a crappy (excuse my word) team is pulling this off all game-long while I sit here thinking "it's going to collapse soon and I will win". But turns out...never did and I tried to make changes when I went down 0-1 (before and after, they never made another good attempt at scoring) but...did not work out and match was over 0-1 defeat in shame. 3 straight in a row that I exited first-round from the national cup.

So It got to be team is good enough to win typical 3 matches before losing to eventually stronger team from upper league. I wish I was informed the errors of my ways...would be nice if assistant coach could tell me what is going on during match. I played 4-4-2 and I have 2 tactics that 4-4-2 plays differently. Both didn't work. I wonder if there is a guide that helps how to properly change during-match performance to help win...:S I would like to end my 3 years streak of exiting first round of FA cup. Add to insult, Sky Bet keeps calling the other team "facing impossible odds" ...well look what happen once again..

Despite my frustrations, I keep playing Football Manager...seem like a wife that no matter how mad you keep coming back to it, haha. I am hoping for good advices here. :)
It's not you ShinyKnight, the game is pure bunk. It's style over substance. It's a Ferrari body powered my a lawn mover engine.
There is no rhyme or reason to anything, the AI/ME is a complete mess.

I have built teams based on physicality, they get out muscled by weakerteams.
I have built teams based on technical ability, they get out passed by weaker teams.
I have built teams based on mental attributes, they get out played by weaker teams.
We stuffed Arsenal 7-0 away @ 35 mins played (finished 8-0) and then got stuffed by Huddersfield 0-3 at home? (they played dream like tika-taka and we just hoofed the ball aimlessly)