The Ken Burton Show


Apr 21, 2010
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Does anybody watch this on youtube i find him awful @ MW2 but very funny
I have watched a few and can't stand him any more.
:D He faked a nuke 2 show how easy it is in epsidoe 59. And Northampton are awesome
Yeah i watched that one, somehow managed to get through it all, seriously though he can't aim at all.
I actually cannot stand the guy tbh, how can he be that **** and get on machinma. JX23 ftw.
Yeah JX23 is quite good but Seananners owns all.
Quite honestly i'm not a fan of the whole knifing thing, i prefer to watch people kill with guns.
SeaNanners, WoR and WoodysGamertag are so good. But you can't beat Hutch.

DnB Oos is one of the best I've seen at the game but I can't stand his accent

Ken is ok but only in short doses
Hutch is and my mate have got a capture card and are gonna upload stuff onto youtube...could you lot advertise it 2 your mates if we make it
Thanks Nath....We'll proably start with the quick/no scope montages then semtex montage....and then move onto something like Ken Burton
I'm subscribed to SeaNanners, shaun (Hutch) and ONLYUSEmeBLADE for MW2 videos.

I can't stand Ken Burton. My brother watches JX23 though.
JX23 is pretty good and his montage was pretty sweet - if you haven't seen it then I'd check it out.
NextGenTactics are also a pretty good team - their SnD videos are extremely helpfull.
Operator Perry is also quite a beast but hasn't posted many vids on MW2

Watched this Ken Burton dude a while ago and turned it off after about 10 seconds.