The 'Live Search' Has Temporarliy Been Disabled


Staff member
Sep 15, 2005
Reaction score
I have disabled the live search feature for a few days. The forums are still using an abnormally high amount of CPU so I just want to find out what's causing it.

If the server load is still high after a few days I will enable it again.

Just thought I would let you all know before someone else made a thread asking what had happened to it.
I dont even know what the live search is?
Thought it was :S not to worry, at least the actual search still works (H)
i think advanced search is better anyway
the live search is the thing in the top right hand corner, which we always tell new people to search in

I also love my Buddy List (chris is always on it) and my User CP on the extreme right. Very well done Sean. It's mint
Great stuff Sean. Loving Nick on my buddy list. :D
Ah wondered where that went. It's a lot easier to use to find links when your closing threads, but if it's making it go slower, then get rid I guess.
It was also causing quite a few database errors. Everytime somebody searched for a word that contained an ' I would receive an error email.

I think there is an update for it though so I may try that out and see if it performs any better.
You should. I felt i got the most out of the live search.
Jesus, finding the sticky threads is like a mission now, might have to start opening them as tabs on my internet, easier.
I never used it so it will not affect me!

I always used advanced search!
yeah that's what i said

still it's unbelivable
Please bring back the live search Sean,it makes it so much easier to find duplicate threads.
I am starting to think the live search was affecting the speed. Site has seemed alot faster since it went down.
Makes it so much harder to find sticky's etc though.