the new scouting system, some theories / queries


Nov 3, 2014
Reaction score
Im liking FM 15, Im loving the new scouting system and yet a combination of apparent ignorance and addiction to tinfoil hats has left me itching to blurt out my issues on it. Anyone willing to explain if ive misunderstood something and shoot down the more tin foil hat bits will be revered momentarily and appreciated indefinitely!

The ownership of knowledge

I get the impression (though I haven’t strenuously tested anything at this point) that scouting knowledge is dependent on the status quo being kept the same. What I mean is;

-when I take over a club all the reports ive been given at my previous clubs are forgotten, part of the resignation process seemingly being a mind wipe

-when I take over a club knowledge the scouts at the new must have already collected before my arrival gets trimmed down to a basic list that wouldn’t if done via instruction in game have taken more than a month to compile, or they’ve just been sitting on their **** previously?

More realistic scouting /= realistic scouting resource

As SI has much heralded they actually provide a service indirectly to clubs to provide data on players to supplement scouting networks. I am not an expert, nor have access to any behind the scenes info, however Im sure ive read articles in the past how clubs in real life actually have multiple such services they can engage and such services are increasingly being used.

With this in mind it seems odd that there is no attempt to simulate this, if such a service was purchased, the basic list of players with no filters selected should be near complete in terms of individuals being present, even if the information about them is very limited.

No ability to show scouts actual opinion summary on the player lists

Possibly Im just being super blind but there doesn’t seem any way to get this to show, i.e. you have a dozen 5 star players on your list but if you want to see what your scout actually thinks of them you need to go into each player individually.

Also since it is now possible for a player to be rated 5 stars and have a summary of 'too many doubts - avoid signing' and the like what exactly is the star rating based on?

That’s it for now on this subject, to reiterate overall im loving the new scouting system, the above are merely foibles and knowing myself as well as I do I suspect I may just be being an idiot on some of them and would appreciate a second opinion!

McFluff (A)