The next manchester club to rise? Hopefully (Creat-A-Club - Manchester Union f.c.)

Dec 27, 2016
Reaction score
Well, hello. As you can tell, i'm new here, but, i've been lurking around since fm16 (Only started playing it in FM15, but didn't really get into it). So i suppose i should introduce myself!

I'm george, (I'm probably too young to be taken seriously), I'm almost 16. I'm from Manchester and i'm a football (and of course, fm) addict. I like to think i'm a good tactical thinker, but my logic doesn't always work out, especially in FM.

So, the club which will be replaced is Bury, from league 1. Bury is probably the cheapest and nearest club to me, but i personally support Manchester City, with the Gigg lane and the etihad both reasonably close to me, i personally don't know a lot about Bury.

(You have to use your imagination here, for the sakes of being realistic)
The Bury board have been looking into selling the club, and along came a suitor.
From the 16/17 Season, Bury would know be known as Manchester Union, While also being relocated to the Irwell View Stadium, Located in manchester.
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The new board in place, have shown intent and ambition to bring the club, first into the championship, and then launch themselves into fame by eventually looking to stride next to the big boys. They also want to implement an attacking brand of football, and want to boast some of the world's most prosperous players

Unfortunately I started this a couple days ago (2), but much hasn't been missed. Update soon!
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So, i made a summary on what's been missed. I'd like to mention my manager is also quite good, with coaching badges, etc
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I also realised i could of just started at F.C. United of manchester, but if i'm honest i didn't fancy having to get that many promotions and constantly nagging the board to upgrade facilities
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A sign of things to come?
So i played our final pre-season game against Wigan, and it I was successful, with the final score-line 3-2.
Roberts was in amazing form, and has been the entire pre-season, scoring in every game, but he bagged a hat trick today. Overall, i was pleased, possession was kept nicely and we scored plenty of goals, however, it's clear to me our high line is easy to exploit. Both teams were reasonably toothless in the way of shots.
On a side note, Tyler Roberts was predicted to be top goal scorer in the division by the bookies at the start of the season, so the future's looking strong!
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Finances and transfers
In the space between last update and this match, i sign Aleix Garcia on Loan from Manchester City, a great prospect. This made use of the affiliation deal we have with manchester city that was inherited from the takeover of Bury.

Our sugar-daddy chairman also injected 9 Million coughers into the club, which, can only be good.
(Please let me know if i should remove the sugar daddy chairman. I personally like it, more due to the amount of staff it allows me to bring in, but i'm open to change it, if it bothers others)
(Yes, i'm also using the in-game editor, but i have enough self control not to touch it, but i'm looking to change Away kits and Third kits every season)​
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Good luck George, I've done similar on my save, London City however created them in the editor instead and started at the bottom. Its tough thats for sure
Good luck George, I've done similar on my save, London City however created them in the editor instead and started at the bottom. It's tough thats for sure
Thank you dani and good luck to you too!I'm not having the best start myself

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Coming back down to earth
I may of been a little optimistic before, secretly i want to win the league, but that's going to be a tough task. The squad is very prosperous, with a few players possessing potential for the championship or lower table premier league clubs, but the quality isn't there yet.

So we start of against a 0-0 draw against charlton
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A game which, we should of won. Charlton are a very good side, they're my favourites for winning the league (the media's), but, we didn't lose, which is always a good sign. I'm hoping this is good, but hopefully it isn't lulling me into a false sense of security. Roberts could've realistically had another hat trick, but the declan rudd was on fire in this game, saving every shot (if it were indeed on target). One last thing, Callum styles who's played for us in this match is the youngest player to ever play in League 1!
(M.U - CTON)
GOALS 0 - 0
SHOTS 19 - 5
POS 58 - 42
FOULS 14 - 7

The next game was bradford in the EFL cup first round, and, we lost
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Our first loss against a team we were predicted to win against. Oh well, roll on next game. We played well, initially falling behind early in, but we took the lead scoring 2 goals in 10 minutes. Overall, i was pleased till we conceded the equaliser and the last to win the game, both which came in the second half, where they started to limit the amount of chances we could create. On a plus, Tyler roberts scores.
(BFRD - M.U)
SHOTS 14 - 18
POS 42 -58
FOULS 11 - 13

Next we played gillingham in league 1, and drew 2-2
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It's 2:30 AM writing this, so i'll keep it short; another draw, but again. not a loss. once again failed by our high line. I'll look to change it when i wake up in the morning, When this will be most likely posted. On another note, another 2 goals from tyler roberts, get in lad! Josh harrop also picked up a injury, but will be back soon.​
(GIL - M.U)
SHOTS 14 - 11
POS 45 -55
FOULS 12 - 19

This leaves us 15th in the table
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How'd you manage to get Reece Oxford, Callum Slattery and Tyler Roberts?
How'd you manage to get Reece Oxford, Callum Slattery and Tyler Roberts?

With create a club you can choose players using the total value of the current squad
already at the club, when i replaced bury i removed the squad, chose a few english prospects and auto-filled the rest of the squad.
Yeah, that was my thinking, But i'll probably look to sell them on if the academy can produce though, just thought it was a way to future proof the side
Unfortunately a bit of a lazy update, but here we go
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In this game, we faced coventry

This should of been a win, but our defence let us down in a game where i opted for some changes at full-back. The line still seems exploitable. Not much to say other
than the stats tell a different story. I was disappointed. We still haven't got our first win, and it's starting to look worrying, even if we are predicted to finish
15th, i want to strive for better
(COV - M.U.)
SHOTS 9 - 16
POS 42 - 58
FOULS 16 - 9

Bennecar signed on loan from arsenal

V Oldham
A game where we actually won in the league, all be it, against bottom of the leage. We didn't play at our best capacitity, but it'll do, hopefully we'll go on a streak now, but
judging by previous results, it could be because we faced a sub-par team. We conceded late as the defence just sort of.... stood there. Unfortunatley no goal for Tyler Roberts,
but he's got many more games to prove his talent. There was changes to the team today too.

(M.U. - OHAM)
SHOTS 13 - 5
POS 62 - 38
FOULS 14 - 16

i also signed two staff for the under 18's. A coach and a goalkeeping coach

V Wallsall
Well, another win on the bounce. I was disapointed with the performance, though. While we won and scored 2 goals, we missed a lot of chances today,
with only 4 being on target. It certainly improves our position the league. Tyler Roberts has had a quiet game and reece oxford hasn't been looking
the best defensively, but i'll stick with him for now. Aleix Gracia is also out for 5-6 months, which isn't what i want to hear; he'd been playing well
recently, along the the lad we signed from arsenal being injured in training, who will be out for 4-6 weeks.
(M.U. - WSALL)
SHOTS 15 - 13
OT 4 - 5
POS 53 - 47
FOULS 13 - 13

James Vaughan will be dropped, being replaced by Rob Harker, a player from the u23's. Not first team quality really, but we'll see how he does.

I also signed a new u18's Manager named Shaun Garnett. the U18'S coaching team is looking pretty good now. i sacked the previous fitness coach and replace him, too with
paul morgan from exeter

Aditionally I applied to the board to increase our scouting range and to search for a senior affilliate. Both requests where accepted and we can now scout in europe!
With this news i'm looking to expand out scouting team.

V Carlisle
We where ****, i'm not even going to show you the stats. 2 - 3 was the score

After this iconsistent spell, i've concluded that it's too inconsistent. I've now opted for a new tactic. This isn't me looking for easy win here, but something that will
suit the team, as my plans don't seem to match the psoition that we're in, i mean, we're predicted to finish 15th and i'm trying to dominate games. It works, but then we
can't defend. I can't explain this tactic, but you can head over to to look at it.
I picked it though, because, like the scenario in this article, we have a very weak squad physically, and we're definetley not contenders for promotion, but more for relegation.
Again very similar. So this seems like a good candidate.

Signed a defender call jordan spence on a free, as the change in formation required a DM, where reece oxford will play. therefore i needed a new CB as the rest were injured

We went into a match against first place port vale with half the squad on u21 international duty. I decided to let my assistant take the reins for a day, i couldn't be bothered with us being poor and having to select a decent team, and
to my surprise, we won. at this point, the board should just sack me and replace me with my right hand man. The socreline was 3-2, with their goals coming in the space of one minuite, one goal at 81 mins and one at 82 mins.

The board returned with no senior affiliate

V Shrewsbury
*sigh* another draw, and a sending off for both teams (second offences) Tyler roberts scored, they scored, that's all really.
(M.U. - SHREW)
SHOTS 11 - 10
OT 2 - 4
FOULS 17 - 11

Maybe i should just resign now...

So anyway, this leaves us in 6th place. if we can stay there, it'll be great, but at this rate... not a chance.
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Quite simply, i'm too lazy to collect all the stats and give a summary of each game, so i'll give you a more general summary.

I altered the tactic a bit, and (not to jinx myself) we look good defensively, with us having 3 consecutive clean sheets. Although, it's only been on trial for 3 games, but so far 2 wins and a draw. One win against Bolton, who will be strong contenders for the title.

I've also signed a very, very good player on a free, who is suited for the championship. This person is Diego Poyet. he's on a hefty contract, but he's good, and more importantly, only 21.

But back to the results, our recent run of form puts us in 4th place
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On a side note, now i've been at the club long enough to be taken seriously by the board, they accepted a request to improve the youth facilities! Roll on the future. Still waiting to ask them about improving recruitment (again) though.

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The improvements will be completed 4/10/2017 and will cost the best part of £6 Million​
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Ok, so the tactic change has worked wonders for us. Conceding much less , but getting less chances in some games. But overall, playing better. I'd like to talk about the main change i made.

Previously, the tackling rate wasn't the best. It still isn't, but it saw a big improvement. The change was making the defenders use zonal marking (i believe that's what it is), as they were previously trying to close everyone down, and therefore creating big gaps in behind them for others to run through. Instead, i just have a high pressure system on the midfield. This has worked, as it's produced a massive decrease in shots registered for opposition teams, due to them not being able to craft out any chances. Until now, i've never thought about pressing in FM, if i'm honest. This main change was in the Opposition instructions. I also switched to a symmetric formation. I don't know what it is, but asymmetric formations seem to turn things into armageddon.

Anyway, the results!

I'm no longer going to provide stats for games, btw.
Before i show you our league position and results though, i just want to showcase this:
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It was some performance, i tell you, and Tyler roberts' (and Jack payne's) first hat trick. Everyone has a exceptional rating, and i was super proud of my team. Although, some players have seemed to develop really well, with some of them possessing championship quality. The signing of poyet has seemed to work out too. The game also added a handy boost to our goal difference (obviously).
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An excellent run of games, although i let my assistant take the cup games. I must say, i'd rather get knocked out and focus on the league, but i guess the checkatrade cup might be a nice bit of silverware. But, to get back on track, this really puts us in a healthy place within league, sitting 3 points behind 1st placed gillingham(who we have a game in hand on) and 2 point behind the dons.
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EDIT: And, another facility upgrade!
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okay so, i forgot to save any time after the sheffield game, so.. yeah, i need to play it again

I've also changed chairman status to leave asap, as it would put a new board in place if a takeover happens, to be more realistic in terms of an actual takeover that would of prompted the "re-branding"
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Good Form
Ok, so i knew we had a change in fortune, but not to the extent that we have. it is completely unprecedented and it's looking like our time in league 1 will be cut short. It's only just past christmas, in fact, it's the 26/12/16 in the game. I was hoping for a period to develop in league 1, but some of the prospects have developed so rapidly, it's seemed a bit too easy. Honestly, at this point, i'm waiting to lose, or draw. Even when we concede early on, we're coming back to win with score-lines like 3-1.

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But anyway, i suppose i should show you the results so far.
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Also want to show an analysis, for comparison to the inconsistency we had.
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So, this leaves us second, trailing the dons 2 points, who i assume must be on a equally good run.
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So, i haven't posted a update as there doesn't seem to be much interest, But i'll give you a summary of what i did (i'm still going to play this but maybe not post updates)

Well, a lot of players developed well, mainly Christian Fruchtl, Tyler Roberts, Reece Oxford, Jack Payne and Ismael Bennacer, who during our season in league one developed into players with sufficient quality for the championship.

During last season, we ended up winning league by 10 points, when the dons went on a horrendous losing streak around january for about 5 games. Around that time, we had a similar slip, with a couple of draws and a few losses, but we managed to keep the pressure up and pull ahead. We also won the chekatrade trophy, also against MK dons. Tyler roberts achieved top goal scorer, with 38 goals in 44 appearances, putting him at a average of a goal every 1.15 games.

I made some loan signings in the summer (which isn't over yet) to add some depth to the time. However, a permanent fixture comes in the form of Rico Henry. Very similar player josh tymon. Around about the same ability and potential according to my coaches, but he's faster, which is good, as wilson on the other side is also very fast. This should make up for not having any wingers, which is a tactic I absolutely insist on using as it allows me to pack the midfield with more players.
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One more transfer is Neil Danns, who i signed as a coach. he wasn't getting first team appearances and he was better than the best attacking coach i had.
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So this leaves us in the championship. We're predicted to finish 19th, suggesting we'll get involved in a relegation fight. I'm not targeting play-offs or promotion this season; i want time to develop some academy players with the new facilities on the way and to build some depth to the squad.

Thank you for taking the time to read this :)
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