Tactic Re-creation

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  • Poll closed .
Jan 28, 2014
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With the footballing season over, I'm looking to re-create a tactic used by the top clubs last season.
Most of the tactics i'm familiar with, however whichever wins the poll i'll do more research and re-create it in FM as best i can.

I'll start on the most voted tactic tomorrow afternoon.
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I love it but no more tiki taka please.
The 4-4-2.

The Peoples Tactic (WINNER)
View attachment 601815

The majority of the votes have gone to Diego Simeone's counter attacking hard working tactic, While it's impossible to emulate the tactic in FM i'll give it my best shot. I've already got a few formations i'm working on which need tweaking but i think i'm on the right tracks.

Attacking - Atletico play with a 4-4-2, The biggest problem is that they play with a target man behind the striker which you can't implement into FM, there is no option for it so i'll have to find an alternative role that best matches the 'False Target Man'. The build up play usually starts from the back, with the anchor man picking up the ball and laying it off to either a full back or a winger. Miranda (LCB) usually plays the long ball up towards the 'False Target Man' and Godin (RCB) usually plays short passes to either Gabi (RDM) or pushes it out to a player on the wing. Now, all that is pretty technical and near impossible to make players do in FM, but with testing and tweaking i'll try and get something close to this.

Defence - Atletico conceded the least goals in the Liga BBVA last season, letting in a mere 22 goals which makes their defence one of the best in europe. In FM it's valuable you get the right balance between attack and defence, I'll be focusing on a solid centre back/defensive mid combination with the full backs overlapping the wingers but getting back into position when the opposition are on the counter attack.

Atletico Madrid - tactic update.

I've got the base of the tactic sorted, still tweaking team/player instructions but it's looking good so far with hardly any fluidity. When i'm the favourite to win i push the CDM's into the CM's role and it seems to work, Against Barca and Real i'll leave the CDM's in the normal role, Atletico don't play possession football in real life, and the tactic i'm working on works the same way, we hassle the opposition trying to win the ball back and get it up the field as quickly as possible. I'm switching between control and counter mentality in different stages of games to test the outcome, so far the control mentality seems a lot safer in regards to the teams shape and style of play. I'm still trying to master Garcia's role as a 'False Target Man' I'm retraining him as a striker although it may take some time and i'll eventually get him playing the way he did last season, receiving long balls and knocking it down for other players around him, he's the player the team should look to give the ball to most of the time, I'll try different roles with him and hopefully i can replicate his real life style of play.

I'll post some results soon people.

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What is wrong with TM (S) ?

The Target Man doesn't play deep enough, even with support he's still technically a striker, which Garcia isn't.
I'm trying to replicate a tactic based on individual performances and sticking two strikers up front isn't the way they play, The Attacking Midfielder needs to be the Target Man but with the new tactic overhaul by SI they've removed the 'Use Target Man' option which would have been helpful.
The Target Man doesn't play deep enough, even with support he's still technically a striker, which Garcia isn't.
I'm trying to replicate a tactic based on individual performances and sticking two strikers up front isn't the way they play, The Attacking Midfielder needs to be the Target Man but with the new tactic overhaul by SI they've removed the 'Use Target Man' option which would have been helpful.

The Trequartista is set as the Target Man. Play him in the AMC role and set individual instructions to "hold up ball" and I think there is what you need.
The Experiment.

Atletico Madrid - tactic update.

Still currently toying with different formations trying to make things work between defence and attack, the offensive play isn't a problem so far it's the defensive play that's hard to mirror.

These are the formations i'm testing so far.

View attachment 374444

With this one i'm playing a square formation trying to push the attacking midfielders out wide, it's not how Atletico play but it's a test and i'm trying to find the best positions for each individual player.

View attachment 374443
This is the one most similar to the real life Atletico style, still needs a lot of work defensively and the wingers need tweaking, I've had mixed results in terms of performances, this is the one i'll spend the most amount of time on.

View attachment 374441
A more attacking version of the standard 4-4-2, the wingers aren't playing like i want them to yet but with a few tweaks i should be able to emulate the way they played last season. Again defensively it needs work as the back 4 don't have any cover.

I'll keep testing and tweaking all these versions until i find the perfect tactic which best shows Diego Simeone's way of playing.

If anybody has input regarding player roles/tactics then you're input is always welcome, thanks and watch this space.

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Almost complete.

The wait is nearly over.

For the fans that votes for 'Diego Simeone - Atletico Madrid' your wait is nearly over for the tactic.

I've settled for a 4-4-2 formation, the defence is much tighter after spending hours perfecting it. The attacking intent is good, it won't get you 5 goals a game but the style of play is encouraging.

Still in the early stages of testing but it's looking promising so far.

The 4-4-2.
View attachment 374335

I'll write the details along with OI's and Training when it's finally released.

Here it is.

View attachment 602226

Diego Simeone - Atletico Madrid
(Tactic Released)

The Formation.
View attachment 374305

It's a basic 4-2-2.
Primarily I've focused on the defending aspect of the tactic, that was the key to Atletico's success last season.
Secondly I focused on Diego Costa's role as a Poacher with David Villa/Garcia's role as a 'False Target Man'.
The midfielders haven't been focused on that much but they seem to fit in to the tactic really well, with the wingers setting up a lot of chances and the centre mids keeping the teams shape it's working.

Individual Training.

(Train Raul Garcia as a ST)
View attachment 374294
View attachment 374293

Opposition instructions.
Closing down - Always (Every player)
Tight marking - Always (Every player)

Fullbacks - Runs with ball down flank, gets forward whenever possible, hugs touchline.

Wingers - Places shots, moves into channels.

Strikers - Places shots, plays short simple passes, tries first time shots, moves into channels.

Game types.
Bigger opponent - Switch mentality to counter or contain.
Similar opponent - Switch mentality to counter or leave as control.
Smaller opponent - Switch mentality to attacking or leave as control.

It's key that you switch the mentality at the right times, for example if you're playing well but not creating many switch to counter, if you're expected to lose switch to contain, You'll notice the difference when switching and it's vital you keep your eye on how the team are playing.

Once again this tactic is solely based on Atletico Madrid, I've spent a lot of time researching the style of play and implemented it into FM as best i can.

Download & leave feedback.

(Link will be on as soon as Mods have approved it)

Atl?tico Madrid CM's.tac - Speedy Share - upload your files here

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View attachment 602226

Diego Simeone - Atletico Madrid
(Tactic Released)

The Formation.
View attachment 602229

It's a basic 4-2-2.
Primarily I've focused on the defending aspect of the tactic, that was the key to Atletico's success last season.
Secondly I focused on Diego Costa's role as a Poacher with David Villa/Garcia's role as a 'False Target Man'.
The midfielders haven't been focused on that much but they seem to fit in to the tactic really well, with the wingers setting up a lot of chances and the centre mids keeping the teams shape it's working.

Individual Training.

(Train Raul Garcia as a ST)
View attachment 602253
View attachment 602255

Opposition instructions.
Closing down - Always (Every player)
Tight marking - Always (Every player)

Fullbacks - Runs with ball down flank, gets forward whenever possible, hugs touchline.

Wingers - Places shots, moves into channels.

Strikers - Places shots, plays short simple passes, tries first time shots, moves into channels.

Game types.
Bigger opponent - Switch mentality to counter or contain.
Similar opponent - Switch mentality to counter or leave as control.
Smaller opponent - Switch mentality to attacking or leave as control.

It's key that you switch the mentality at the right times, for example if you're playing well but not creating many switch to counter, if you're expected to lose switch to contain, You'll notice the difference when switching and it's vital you keep your eye on how the team are playing.

Once again this tactic is solely based on Atletico Madrid, I've spent a lot of time researching the style of play and implemented it into FM as best i can.

Download & leave feedback.

(Link will be on as soon as Mods have approved it)

Atl?tico Madrid CM's.tac - Speedy Share - upload your files here

I can't download from speedy share, could you attach the file here?
Mid-Season update.

This is a mid-season update from my save with Atletico, doing everything I've wrote down in detail which goes hand in hand with the tactic.

Diego Costa has been unstoppable so far, absolute machine!

View attachment 374250

League Table.
View attachment 374249

Player Stats.
View attachment 374248

Diego Costa.
View attachment 374247

I'll update again once the seasons over.

In the mean time i'm looking for testers who are willing to post results, even trying with a different team i'd like to see how it does, cheers.

187 voted on the poll but there's no feedback yet, really want to know if this is working for other people as well as it is for me.

If it's successful i'll try emulating the 'Brendan Rodgers - Liverpool' which had the second highest amount of votes.

Don't be shy guys!