
Nov 11, 2015
Reaction score
"The Reed bends but never breaks"

View attachment 198984
View attachment 198983

Hi guys, I wanted to share this tactic with you, have had my best results for this year's FM with it.

I always played with a possession 4-3-3, but in this year's version I had troubles with that kind of formation on counters and crosses. The problem was that the Halfback was never properly defending like a Busquets does in Barcelona or a Thiago Motta does in PSG.

The remedy I found was the following, I took the DM and placed him as a third CD. It worked impressively well.

The tactic has only been tested with a top team (Tottenham) for now, I will try to test it with a lower team soon.

I play every game and use a lot of shouts in game. I have no idea if the same result could be achieved by playing instant result.

This is not the best offensive tactic you will encounter a few frustrating games, but your team will be very consistent at winning. And Harry Kane still finished best scorer worldwide both seasons even though he was injured btw.

There are actually two tactics, one home and one away. Credits to Mr L for some tactical inspiration and the set pieces.

Hopefully it will suit someone, what I liked is that almost every team in the game could play with this system if you ad a CD to the squad.

Please share your thoughts, feedback be it positive or negative will be appreciated as this is the first time I take the time to post a tactic.

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