The Rise of Raúl González Blanco

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Jul 23, 2014
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Return to Spain

I hadn't been to Spain for many years now. But after my retirement from football, it was time to come back. As I arrived at hometown Madrid, I was welcomed passionately by my fans. I did not know how they had learned of my arrival. Most of them were in their early thirties. Many of them said they had been my fans since they were 12 year olds. Some had even broght their children. I spoke with few kids. All they knew about me was what their madres and padres had told them. They were too young. One of them even had a picture of me scoring goal. He asked for my autograph. I got very emotional at the airport. I shed a few tears. But it was time to move on.

I got to my car and drove home with my wife, 4 sons and my lovely daughter.
I have been studying secretely for years to obtain Continental Pro Licence. Only my family knew about it. Today I received it. My wife and I celebrated for the entire night, if you know, what I mean.

It was morning. I made my kids pancakes. They did'nt have to go to school as it was their holiday. My wife offered to take over, so she did. I went to the computer room with my pancakes and orange juice. After taking a sip of the juice I decided to see what was going on in the managers market. I saw the Austrian club Sturm Graz had recently fired their manager. I thought to myself 'what the heck' and sent a letter of application to their management. I obviusly was thinking that it's such a long shot, cause I have not got any experience as a manager.

I went to see how my old club was doing. They were all vewry happy to see me. Everyone gongratulated me on my licence. I even taught Jese a few tricks. I spent a goo few hours there catchiing up with all of the news.

Returned home, I went straight to bed. I was exhausted.
I was woken up by my kids jumping on me. As usually, I went outside to pick up the fresh newspaper. I went back inside to my computer room. I noticed that I had one new letter. But it was too early in the morning for me to start interacting with other people. I'm not a morning person. I read the news. Real Madrid won the Madrid derby. I went on and took a shower.

I started to see, who wrote me the letter. It was someone called Christian Jauk. I opened the E-Mail. They had called me to an interview. I told my wife, that I'll be going to Austria for a few days. She asked me why and I blurted out that I had gotten a job interview. We both jumped up and down for atleast few minutes. POur kids looked at us like we belonged to a mental treatment facility.

I packed my bags and bought a ticket. My flight left the following day.
I was very exited. It could be my first job, where I would not have to run all the time. It could be my turn to make others run. I boarded the plane.

Jauk had sent a car to pick me up. I felt appreciated. We drove past many buildings that reminded me schools. It was a very beutiful city. I was sure that my kids would love it here.

We stopped at an old-looking building. It was a restaurant. The driver showed me, where to go. The interview went like I thought. He asked questions like why they should hire me and what are my ambitions. At the end he told that he had to consider other options also.

I told the driver that I would walk to my hotel, I wanted to see the city closer. When I reached my hotel I got really tired. It was probably because I had been up all night worriying about the interview. I had never been to an interview before.

I went to sleep.
I woke up to a ringing phone. I picked it up and got fantastic news. I was going to be Sturm Graz's next manager. I couldn't wait to tell my wife, but first I had to sign the contract. They offered me a two year contract with a wage of 6 thousand per week. I signed it immeadiately. They told me that we were going to have to hold a press conferece also. I agreed.

I flew back home to tell the wonderful news to the mother of my kids.

I told my wife. The kids weren't very happy. They disliked that they would have to move again. But they are my kids, and they do what I tell them to do.

I got the call from Sturm Graz that they will hold the press conference the following days evening. WE spent the rest of the day packing our stuff.
My whole family and I flew to Austria. In 4 hours began the conference. I was very nervous.

It was time to leave for the press conference.

It began. They took many pictures.

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I signed the contract again, but this time for the media. It was time for questions.

BBC: Raul, Raul! Do you even have the correct qualifications to manage at such a high level?
Me: Does anyone have any real questions?

CNN: Will you be selling anyone?
Me: It's too early to say. I still have to meet with the whole squad.

The Sports Bible: You really think you can achieve anything as a manager?!?!?!?!
Me: Alright, this here is over.

I left the room. I was mad at the journalists. I was thinking, whether I should stop giving interviews for my whole career as a manager.