
Jan 3, 2013
Reaction score
Okay so I have made a few edits to the database. I will address theses first

1, I have changed all the training facilities of the club I am using to max
2, changed the youth facilities to match this includes youth recruitment.
3, I am not signing any players, maybe loans but no actual buying.
4, wrongly stated I had deleted all the players, just changed there ages.

Feel free to check.

This is my first story.

A normal day.

It began much like any other day sitting on the bus on my way to work, the same routine that I has now become my life. Every day reminded of my failing sure I have a job it's not like I am without so I should be thankful. Surely I am destined for more than this and issue I have thought about for many a year.
I can see through these eyes I must be ment for something greater.

I am not going to spend my life stuck in this callcentre, I have a choice I can continue on this path or I can get off this bus and change my life. The rush of adrenaline has become as I have worked myself up thinking that there must be more to life than scraping by saving every penny. I dart off the bus and down lane where I had last seen my family.

It had been a long time since I had come here and even longer since I had seen my family, I wonder for a while how they are before I bump into him...

His brown hair curling on the ends, a short but pointy chin with a light dressing of stubble,
looking rather serious I apologise quickly and get to my feet, after dusting my self off I continue to walk on by.

When the man puts his hand firmly on my shoulder and asks me If I remember who he is?
Of course I don't as far as I am concerned I have never seen this man in my life. I reply with a sharp, No

He simply says good and asks me to follow him, Generally I wouldn't but something made me want to know more about this man?
who was he why does he think that I would know who he is....

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I followed him without speaking, wandering close behind observing his body language he seemed to have a certain swagger about himself as if he was someone of some sort of importance and I had done him a great dis-service by not recognizing him. I however honestly had no idea who he was or what he wanted with me.

I was thinking about turning around and heading back to the bus and continuing with my normal routine.
When he said "you really don't want to go back there do you, I've been watching you for sometime."

he paused as if waiting for my response, however before I could speak he spoke again.
"I have been watching you for sometime, Your stuck that's what you are in that job its not what you want."

I snapped back, " How would you know just what I wanted you don't know me, why have you been watching me anyway?"

"I have a proposition for you, if your interested meet me again tomorrow. I will be able to provide you with answers and in turn maybe you will hear me out." He said calmly.

He passed me a piece of paper with some writing on it.

Then he simply wandered away.

Had he really wanted me to follow him to give me a piece of paper?

How did he know that I'd even look at it?