The West is stealing Iran's rain.

Ahmadinejad is probably my second favourite nutjob, just behind Kim Jong-Il. You gotta love 'em.
Beats the '**** Polish, coming over here and stealing our jobs' rant hands down.
I just knew by the title this was posted by Chaz... lol.

Never heard such bollocks in my life haha
They can have some of our Irish rain.. we've got far too much. All we want in return is two mars bars and a bag of skittles. Deal or no deal President whatsyername
Ahmadinejad?? Unpronounceable, nutjob oO)

Yeah, I got that part ... but. Hey, doesn't matter. Point is he's crackers. I liked the part where he called for Israel to be wiped from the face of the Earth. Well, not liked, but it was mental.
We also took two goats and a chicken but they left that part out...
Killing Osama was just a distraction while we put this epic plan into action
They can have some of our Irish rain.. we've got far too much. All we want in return is two mars bars and a bag of skittles. Deal or no deal President whatsyername could make some real business out of it :D