Thread mess


Apr 6, 2009
Reaction score
Wasn't sure where to post this but many people read tactical department.
You see, current state of threads requires looking every thread from start till desired information.
So, I am suggesting to organize threads by club names, so if you want tactic for barcelona you click Barcelona thread and see every tactic posted for barcelona. Similar with players, if you manage a club, then pick a thread with a club's name and read about it's players.
Please, admins make your decisions!
Most tactics are mode for all types of teams, so there is no real need
So you're saying make a thread/section for each club? You're having a laugh.
Wasn't sure where to post this but many people read tactical department.
You see, current state of threads requires looking every thread from start till desired information.
So, I am suggesting to organize threads by club names, so if you want tactic for barcelona you click Barcelona thread and see every tactic posted for barcelona. Similar with players, if you manage a club, then pick a thread with a club's name and read about it's players.
Please, admins make your decisions!

you say the threads are a mess and then post this in tactics.....?

moved to site support and comments where suggestions posts belong
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I say they would be more useful in groups of the formations. EG 4-4-2 in one group, 4-5-1 in another etc. But, I dont honestly look at the tactics area, as I prefer to create my own.
The tactics section is good enough as it is. If it ain't broke, don't fix it ;)
Imo this site dosen't need to make changes, it's fine as it is
Like I said, I rarely even click the Tactics link. If Sean thought that area could be improved, he owuld have done it.
And people say I'M a moaner. <)
I think, it would be better, if the Tactic Section would have little sections like 4-4-2, 5-4-1, ect ect, that way if your looking for a specific formation, you don't have to scroll down the list looking, you could go to the 4-4-2 section, and have them all there for you.

That would make it better. But it's fine as it is, i don't really use tactics created by other people, so i don't really mind.
I think, it would be better, if the Tactic Section would have little sections like 4-4-2, 5-4-1, ect ect, that way if your looking for a specific formation, you don't have to scroll down the list looking, you could go to the 4-4-2 section, and have them all there for you.

That would make it better. But it's fine as it is, i don't really use tactics created by other people, so i don't really mind.

Sorta what I said. :)
I agree about the formations, but some people make some crazy formations like the assymetric one's, they sometimes are random, so you might have to make a few, but it's up to Sean really.
I agree about the formations, but some people make some crazy formations like the assymetric one's, they sometimes are random, so you might have to make a few, but it's up to Sean really.

For those formations you could put a section for them called 'Bonkers formations' or something like that
If i am not mistaken Sean already considered this is a while back. I may be wrong though. It would be better but it wouldn't bother mer that much, still relatively easy finding a tactic that suits your team.
OK, guys, no hard feeling, just wanted to improve things.
@ MAX : you don't need to have thread for every club in the world, only major ones like Barca, Real, Man Utd, etc.
I like your idea about formations, and about exotic ones, you just put them in a thread called unusual formations or similar.