
Oct 23, 2011
Reaction score
To me it seems obvious that teams of high quality, play the offside rule, deliberately trying to catch out opposing strikers....yet when I see other people tactics very few of them play with offside. Can somebody please clarify what playing with offside does as my team still seems to keep a defensive line without it.

If you have quick defenders then you can have a Stopper/cover and no offside. But you should not have a deep line otherwise your cover will have difficulty catching the nippy little **** who's closing down on goal.
On the other hand if you have two Dc's who need to catch a bus to catch the forward you need to have an offside trap. I have the latter in the championship and after 23 games I'm still unbeaten with only 13 goals let in.
High defensive lines should have offside if you don't have stopper/cover combo.
I have a normal defender/cover combo, with widic and smalling, smalling (cover) is relatively quick and my defensive line is about three quarters of the way up. I'm currently playing with no offside trap and won the premier league with 97 points as well as winning the fa cup (1st season).

I just don't really get why there is an option to not play it, as surely every team does lol!
I have a normal defender/cover combo, with widic and smalling, smalling (cover) is relatively quick and my defensive line is about three quarters of the way up. I'm currently playing with no offside trap and won the premier league with 97 points as well as winning the fa cup (1st season).

I just don't really get why there is an option to not play it, as surely every team does lol!

With stopper/cover then the cover doesn't give a **** about your offside trap, he's just watching if he needs to cover the rest of the defence and therefore the offside trap is not used to it's fullest potential. You may get the oppo offside now and again however.
I play Wheater as stopper and Cahill as cover, no offside trap, with a deep defensive line and a DM in front of them. Works well.
If your defensive line is very high then its good to play an offside trap.
I don't play the offside trap as I use stopper and a cover. If you play a high defensive line then it works like a charm.