
Oct 7, 2011
Reaction score
Well, everywhere I look, I see this "feels he is not getting enough coaching attention during tactics training."
What on Earth do I even do about this? I set them to have attribute training, so what do I do?
Training > Coaches > Workload. If it's heavy, there will be less time spent with each player in each category, hence not enough attention. You need more coaches basically.
Training > Coaches > Workload. If it's heavy, there will be less time spent with each player in each category, hence not enough attention. You need more coaches basically.

Ohhh jeez, duh. I'm dumb, hahahaha.
Only problem is, you might not have room for more coaches. At least that's my problem, and the board refused to increase number of coaches allowed.

But it does seem like the workload has been tweaked a lot, in FM 14 the workload was always light even if I had only 1 coach assigned to the category and 30 players.
Only problem is, you might not have room for more coaches. At least that's my problem, and the board refused to increase number of coaches allowed.

But it does seem like the workload has been tweaked a lot, in FM 14 the workload was always light even if I had only 1 coach assigned to the category and 30 players.
I don't have FM14 but that is exactly the same way FM13 is. It is always Light, no matter what. I have never seen anything more than light.
I'm having the same issue with training. At Spurs, I have a specialist for each category & one backing up every category except GK & Fitness - and the workload is still 'heavy' & players are unhappy (that they're not getting enough attention). There doesn't even seem to be a board allocation for 'coaches' exactly; only for 'other tottenham staff'. Seems a pretty small no of coaches allowed anyway, particularly for a big rich club - 6 total if you don't count assistant manager, U21 manager, etc.
Well, it is a workload problem. Previously, it was very easy to have light or average workloads. SI is looking at it though, as it seems that the balance is too far the other way - it's very difficult to get the workload down to average. Don't take too much notice until the new update rolls out. That's what I'm doing.
I just eventually put every coach on 2 or 3 different areas, reduces the quality in terms of stars by a lot but it seems like the only option until I can sign more coaches. The problem is mainly in preseason though, since training level has to be higher
Folks, quality of training grounds plays huge part in training workload.
I've allowed the players a rest before and after matches, and it seems to have appeased most of the moaners.
There doesn't even seem to be a board allocation for 'coaches' exactly; only for 'other tottenham staff'. Seems a pretty small no of coaches allowed anyway, particularly for a big rich club - 6 total if you don't count assistant manager, U21 manager, etc.

This hasn't been changed from FM 14, it was the same then. Coaches are included in "other <team name> staff" along with goalkeeper coaches and physios if I'm not mistaken.
sign a good attacking coach or two, players normally complain about that.