Training perplexes me.

Charlie Mason

Dec 1, 2011
Reaction score
I am using the computers training. All was going well and stats were going up with good performances, then about a week later they all go down again. I don't get it. I have used Duncans training but similar things happen. Please help me to understand things with training. Has Tug done any this year?
Personally I make my own training setups. You'd need to take a look at your coaches, see your ratings for the different categories for training like; Attack or Shooting.

You also could try different training routines for different areas of the pitch. My Fullbacks do more attacking coaching than defence, and differenciate attacking midfield from defensive. If you want the best from training you need to put in the work and attention-to-detail :)
Post some screen shots of your schedules and coaches. It might be something simple that you overlooked.
Get one coach for every training category. U must have 4 or 4.5 star for each category.
i would suggest to get some more staff, so that 1 does not have to do 3 things. ;)

and the date is September, so yeah, they have comeback from the holidays and need heavy train to be fit again.
I've got the same thing, completely random so it seems. Even with multiple coaches per category and whatnot this seems to happen far too much!
The problem with the training lies mostly in the presentation of the green and orange arrows. In real life, you as a manager, or a coiach on the training ground would neve be able to say that " Welll, this thrursday, player X has trained well and gotten a little, little, little better at tacklingm, stamina and dribbling but has also gotten a little, little little worse in heading, a stats that Player X actually, got a little, little little better at last weekend.

The key is to not look at *** too often, but instead listen to the coaches report at the end of the month and take notes. What players got better, did they play matches, what löevel did they train at and where they happy( morale). This way, one can spot a pattern
The problem with the training lies mostly in the presentation of the green and orange arrows. In real life, you as a manager, or a coiach on the training ground would neve be able to say that " Welll, this thrursday, player X has trained well and gotten a little, little, little better at tacklingm, stamina and dribbling but has also gotten a little, little little worse in heading, a stats that Player X actually, got a little, little little better at last weekend.

The key is to not look at *** too often, but instead listen to the coaches report at the end of the month and take notes. What players got better, did they play matches, what löevel did they train at and where they happy( morale). This way, one can spot a pattern

Thanks that makes perfect sense.