

Jan 3, 2009
Reaction score
Has anyone had any problems with the default training that the game starts with, i was just wondering if i should keep it throughout the season. Also, is it just the training or when a player is injured does he get red arrows pointing down on a few of the training categories?
I use my own training methods rather than the defaults but yes the training categories will go red if a player is injured especially with a long term injury
I wouldnt use the default one, id make your own but if not id use tugs. Its the player not the training when they have red arrows pointing down cause they arent doing any training because of the injury
I allways thought if they had red arrows there stats where going to go down :S
ok thanks, do you set a category for each player or for positions?

Ill make general categories and for young players ill make their own specific ones based on their strengths and weaknesses
Positions just.. mine are GK, DC, FB, DM, MC, AM, ST and the same again for the youth team players. I personally find it works better to have your own rather than the defaults. For example my youth team players would develop into good players by the age of 20/21
How do you know what to set which to eg. aerobic,strength., and in the category what if people are doing bad on different things what do i do?.
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Here's my training schedules. Youth training is similar. Hope it helps

---------- Post added at 12:21 PM ---------- Previous post was yesterday at 08:49 PM ----------

what do you do about reserves?
I put the reserves in the same training schedules as the 1st team
i tried putting a individual training for everyone and it is definetly improving my individuals a lot. But will it have any negatives doing it this way except from it takes time to check through everyone?....
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