Transer update

Don't advertise mate, its pointless you're going to get a infraction mate

Ahh thats ok then Sean i take my comment back

Also when is Patch 9..3 comin out?
Ahh thats ok then Sean i take my comment back

Also when is Patch 9..3 comin out?

I don't mind advertisements for useful websites (H)

End of the month.
Yea thanks 4 this - I also Love that Logo
Come On Burnley!
Yeh TFMS was mt favourite for 08 and we even used to it our 08 challenge.

Id still advise people to wait for the official update which has been confirmed is out this month as the official update will include changes to players attributes.
does anybody no where u put this? once u dwnload it wot folder?
DB folder in my docs inside the SI folder, if its not there create it
prety good goin get a game goin now till proper update **** out
i downladed to desktop and i hav winar thing, where do i extract the files to?
alrite boys does any of u no if u need patch 2.0 with the janaury update