
Jul 21, 2011
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I was given a $40 million transfer budget and promptly spent most of it. I then went to the finances screen and realized that when looking at the transfer and payroll budget slider the slider was mostly towards the payroll budget I changed that and all of sudden I now have another 25 million to spend on budget. I originally had 2.2 million p/w for payroll. Is that normal the board to say that I have $40 million but actually have closer to 60 million? Or is this a glitch in the game?
I think you just already had the 25 mil ( maybe because of some transfer that was scripted to happen right then) and after that you got new monies. The 40mil budget is the one you got right at the start or did you ask for more money?
What team are you?
Nope I did"t ask for more money. I just adjusted the slider to give me more many for transfers and not wage budgets, I did't realize I had that much extra transfer funds but I guess then I have that much less for the wage budget. I was curious to know if teh board just tells you what your tarnsfer budget is based on their idea of what you should have for wages.
This isnt recommended you should adjust the budget only if you made a transfer and you need extra 2-3 millions for it... Usually spending the wage budget with transfers when you have high wages bring you to bankruptcy . I usually send my transfer budget to wages cause i like to bring free players when they contracts expire and growing young players.