Trouble editing player stats


Jun 13, 2010
Reaction score
Okay, I decided I would download the editor and change a couple of player stats to what I deem as more realistic values. For example, it annoys me that the likes of Falcao (who I believe to be the best finisher in the world) and Messi don't have the best finishing and composure stats in the game (I mean seriously, how are SI going to say that Papiss Cisse and KJ Huntelaar are better finishers than Messi, Falcao, Ronaldo etc?) Anyway, that isn't what this thread is about so I'll stop talking about that.

The first player I edited was Messi, I made the following changes:

Composure - 18 > 20
Consistency - 16 > 19
Team work - 13 > 17
Work rate - 10 > 12
Balance - 16 > 18
Finishing - 19 > 20
Gets into opposition area - no > yes
Likes to lob keeper - no > yes

Someone also told me that I would need to raise his CA to allow for the higher stats, so I raised it to the maximum of 200. Now when I start a new game with the edited database, the changes seem to have had an opposite effect to what I intended. For example, instead of Messi's composure going from 18 to 20, it's gone down to 17, his finishing is now 18 and his dribbling (which I didn't edit) has gone from 20 to 19.

Does anybody know why this is happening? It's very frustrating.
why would you raise it to 200? that gives him no room to improve, its all downhill for him from 200, what was he originally? maybe raise it a SLIGHT bit. Not maximum
Each player has only a certain amount of skill point alotted to them, so you will need to decrease his points from somewhere else try, puting tackling to 3, heading to 3, jumping 3, marking, throw ins, corners etc all the stuff he will not need and making his right foot to only 3 this will maybe give you enough point to increase his important stats, its annoying you have to do this for all the best player, and sometimes that doesn't work. as when the database gets loaded the computer generates random values to the players if not enough skill points have been used you have just got to find the right balance or takes them off if too much points have been used too, hence your problem with Messi, anyway hope this sort of helps.
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