Tutoring/Learning & Preferred moves?

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Nov 4, 2009
Reaction score
Anyone knows what the difference is between the 3 options of learning is? Or the exact consequense of the preferred moves? Cant seem to find it anywhere..
Tutoring a player means the younger player will try and adapt and learn from that player.

Learning a preferred move increases that antribute should they be successful.
Yes I do know that but with learning u have 3 different options to pick from so its them three options I would like to know the exact effect of and the same with preferred moves, what does it actually improve.
Older players or Expirance players tutor young players that play similar ways so the Young Player improves by alot
Example: Cristiano Ronaldo Tutoring Alexis Sanchez

Learing Prefered moves:
If he likes to Dribble and you make him learn that he will accept enjoy it and improve in his attribute of Drbilling
Example: Alexis Sanchez teaching how to dribble
Yes, but whats the difference between 1., "State that you see *** as an ideal role model for ***" 2., "State that you think *** would benefit by adopting *** approach to the game" and 3., "state that you think *** can learn from xxxx"?

Is there a list or anything that explains what stat the preferred moves improve?

---------- Post added at 07:08 PM ---------- Previous post was yesterday at 03:29 PM ----------

No one?
This is how I think it works.

1) You think the young player can "learn" from another - This will result in the young player primarily learning the moves of the senior player and after that, if time still remains, mental trait will be learned by him.
2) You think the young player can learn the senior player's approach to the game - This is almost of equal length to the first except that mental traits are passed on first and then moves are learned, if time still remains.
3) You think the senior player is the ideal role model for the youngster - This involves exhaustive learning of both, moves and the mental traits of the older player.
Thanks a million! I hope u are right and I will try it out and post back my findings..Thanks!
Yes, but whats the difference between 1., "State that you see *** as an ideal role model for ***" 2., "State that you think *** would benefit by adopting *** approach to the game" and 3., "state that you think *** can learn from xxxx"?

Is there a list or anything that explains what stat the preferred moves improve?

---------- Post added at 07:08 PM ---------- Previous post was yesterday at 03:29 PM ----------

No one?

Positive effect

Comes deep to get ball
+ Player leaves his position going to a deeper line, as a result getting the ball and having more opportunities for further progress of attack.
Curls Ball

+ Player produces curled passes and shots that are harder for goalkeepers to cope with. He makes that during any type of shots: standard, long and set pieces.
Cuts inside
+ Additional ability of wingers and attacking flank defenders that allows to go to the box from the flank unexpectedly.
Dictates tempo
+Players having this ability can rule the game. Especially good for playmakers (for instance, Fabregas). Such player should have more Creative Freedom.
Gets crowd going
+Increases morale of team-mates because of higher fans support. More effective for home matches.
Gets into opposition area
+ Player like to perform in the opposition’s box. It makes him more dangerous in the most cases.
Knocks ball past opponent
+ Great feature for player with high pace and dribbling. Very effective against slow defenders.
Likes to lob keeper

+ Effective and efficient skill to score one-on-one moments.
Likes to round keeper
+ Another effective and efficient skill to score one-on-one moments
Likes to switch ball to other flank
+ Quite useful skill in case of wide attacking tactics. Gives more options for player to continue attack.
Likes to try to beat offside trap
+ Obviously great move for quick attacking player that allows him to cope with defensive line.
Looks for pass rather to attempt to score
+ Pretty useful when you don’t want, for instance, your midfielder strike long shots.
Marks opponents tightly
+ I’m convinced that tight marking is good feature for any defender and DMC.
Moves into channels
+ Very good skill for forwards making them to move to empty space for getting the ball there (like Fernando Torres).
Placed shots
+ Player having this skill has higher accuracy of shots. Cool to have for any forward!
Plays one-twos
+ Adds effect of “knife cutting through defence” if you have this on your MC/AMC who joins attacks sometimes. The most efficient scheme if your players have high First Touch, Passing and Team Work attributes.
Plays short simple passes
+ DMC players like Gattuso need this skill often. It allows to deliver ball to more creative midfielders (Kaka, Pirlo, Seedorf) without risk.
Runs with ball down left , Runs with ball down right
+ Absolutely positive move that is needed by wingers.
Runs with ball through center
+ Going and dribbling through center is harder than running down flank. Therefore I think this move being even more great. Perfect AMC must have this one.
Shoots with power
+ Makes very good effect when forward has this one. He can break through any goalkeeper!
Stays back all time
+ Ensures that defensive players (they possess this skill, normally) never join attacks. Especially good for defensive tactics.
Tries killer balls often
+ One of the coolest PPMs that allows any midfielder with it creating a lot of chances for forwards by means of through balls.
Tries long range passes
+ Long range passes will catch up opponent’s defence often if your player possess this PPM.
Tries tricks
+ Obvious plus!

Tries to play out of trouble
+ I would like to have all defenders and DMC with this PPM. It would add more reliability to my defence.
Uses outside of foot
+ Sudden passes and shots. Very efficient skill for attacking player!
Winds up opponents
+ Player makes provoking actions on a pitch irritating opponents. They will receive more cards

Negative effect

Argues with officials
-Results in more yellow cards.
Likes ball played into feet
- Somewhat limits opportunities of team work because this player doesn’t like to use head.

“Pros and cons” effect

Arrives late in opposition area
+ Unexpected advantage during attack because of additional (defensive) player coming to the box. It’s hard to mark such player.
- Empty space in defence appears if DC or DMC with such ability goes to attack.
Attempts overheads kicks

+ Player can do overhead kick when he is back to goal.
- If player is too flamboyant he overuses this ability.
Avoids using weaker foot, Moves ball to left/right foot before dribble attempt
+ Less mistakes when he uses his stronger foot.
- Looses moments for pass, shot or dribbling attempt when ball at his weaker foot. Don’t play such guys on the wrong side.
Dives into tackles
+ More effective tackling and closing down.
- Mistake of DC during such diving can cost much for a team. Likehood of receiving cards becomes higher. Hard Tackling setting is not recommended for such player.
Does not dive into tackles
+ Less amount of cards.
- Doesn’t make sliding tackles when it’s need (when opponent’s forward runs quickly past DC, for example)
Dwells on ball, Stops play
+ Good for DMC who is told to Hold The Ball. Players sees more options for passing.
- Slows the game down. Effective closing down of such player can result in a ball loss. “Dwells on ball” is considered to be more negative than “Stops play”.
Gets forward whenever possible
+ Additional player ignores forward runs instructions and joins to attack being unmarked (usually).
- Bad for defensive tactic. When defensive players shouldn’t go to attack in any case.
Hits free kicks with power
+ Performs power shots from free kicks. Like Juninho

- Bad if you like to deliver a ball from free kick to the best header .
Hugs line
+ Attacking winger midfielders and defenders will perform more effectively. Good if you use wide style in your tactics.
- May provoke some problems making gaps in formation if you use narrow defensive tactics.
Likes to beat man repeatedly
+ Player’s actions look beautiful!
He makes unexpected tricks that could stun all defence and goalie of opponent.
- Sometimes looses ball due to dribbling overuse. If the weather is bad then ball losses makes more often.
Plays no through balls
+ Good move for defensive players if you use defensive tactics.
- Decreases number of efficient counter attacks if you play them.
Plays with back to goal
+ Pretty nice feature for target man strikers like Drogba.
- It will spoil performance of target man if other players are set to make passes of “Run into ball” type.
Shoots from distance
+ Good if he has high values of Long Shots, Finishing attributes.
- Otherwise, bad

Tries first time shots
+ In combination with good Long Shots, First Touch and Finishing – fantastic one.
- Otherwise, bad

Tries long range free-kicks
+ Player with this skill may strike the ball from long range free kick unexpectedly for goalkeeper.
- No sense without high values of Long Shots and Free Kicks.

found this doing the rounds using google! :D

Nice summary. :)

But as far as i understand it, learning preferred moves does not always work this way. For instance when you say that learning how to dribble through the centre of the park is very helpful and a must have for all AMCs, I dont think that's correct. You should first check out other stats of the player. For instance, where learning how to dribble through the centre of the park is concerned, the player must also have high Dribble, Decisions, Passing stats for him to be successful at it. As well as high Flair and Teamwork ideally. Otherwise the player will attempt to dribble though a packed midfield or defense every time rather than opting for a simple pass and end up loosing possession. So you might want Messi to have it but if you try teaching it to an inferior player it might backfire, specially in high profile leagues and against tough opposition.

Similarly, getting forward always is a bad thing to teach a fullback that is supposed to be performing primarily defensive duties, i.e., is brought on when you are trying to hold on to a lead.

Dwelling on ball, and Likes to play way out of trouble also can backfire if you teach them to defensive midfield or the back four, as sometimes they may try to play way out of trouble rather than hoofing the ball clear and end up loosing possession. I had Fazio, for my Man City squad, loose possession like this against Arsenal while he was the last defender and that ended up in Arshavin scoring the equaliser. I lost the match on penalties.

Essentially, you should be teaching preferred moves to players based on how best you think they can slot into your tactics, and if you feel that a player can complement your tactics better if he does something different. If you want your AMC to be mainly someone who creates chances for forwards and inside forwards and takes potshots from the edge of the area every now and then, then he should be coming deep to get ball, trying killer balls often, etc. While if you play a target man who brings the AMC into play and expect the AMC to score goals, then you should make him learn corresponding moves.

PS. I dint know that learning preferred moves had a direct correlation to increase in attributes. I thought that the effect that preferred moves had was that in a given situation, taking into account the players decisions making attribute, he would opt for the preferred move as opposed to the other options. (The playing way out of trouble as opposed to hoofing ball clear example above).


---------- Post added at 07:47 PM ---------- Previous post was yesterday at 07:14 PM ----------

A few positive results.
@LordMalice: Cant fully agree with you. The get forwrd whenever possible can be quite useful with FBs, although they must be good attacking FBs like JMVargas, Maicon, Santon, Motta, etc
Its also heavily related to your formation and style. A AMC that dwells on the ball is tremendous with a controling/possesion tactics as it lets them keep the ball without the need to run with it or. Furthermore when opting for a direct style that move may give the AMC the perfect timing for that deadly through ball.*
I´m currently playing a 4-3-1-2 with bombing fullbacks and and controling AMC to great success.*