U19 trainig problem!

Iulian Iulu

May 3, 2011
Reaction score
hi there.ok, it's not a bug or something, but this year i've realized that once a player is send to youth squad i can only assign him youth schedules. that's ok if hi is 15 or something.
but if hi is 18 i could assign him a full-time schedule. only problem is i can't. it won't let me.
on the other hand, if i put this 18 year old in my senior or reserve squad i can set him on full-time.downside is he won't have much playing time this way.

any thoughts on this?!
Its because in real life, he is training with the youth team( that is spending less time in the training ground). its is different than previous editions but when you think about it, its more realistic.

As I have not seen this issue raised in the bug forum at SI, i think it IS supposed to be this way but I could be wrong
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But you get youth players training with the first team and still playing youth matches
Its annoying as **** when you want a youth player to get better training but have no reserve league to get him games too :@