Unfair Treatment


Nov 16, 2008
Reaction score
just lost the league cup final to aston villa on penalites.

was winning 1-0 when annan got sent off in 41st minute. they equalised afetr 76 to take it to extra time.
i scored again in 95th minute and looked to have it in the bag untill they scored on the 120th minute. if that wasnt the biggest kick in the teeth i then lost 7-6 on pens

i fined annan a weeks wages because he also got sent off in the previous match against psg after which i gave him an official warning.

now my whole team are unhappy at unfair treatment of teammate and annan is looking to leave.

dont know what they expect when he helps towards losing me the league cup and almost cost me a place in the euro cup :mad::mad:
Dont be so harsh in fining. I warn three times for sendings off, then 1 week fine. A fine straight away will unsettle the player, whereas a warning will almost likely be accepted.
i would suggest giving players warnings several times then when it does come to fining the player he would be more reasoned about the reason
thanks i guess i was just really stressed out after that loss.

my players have came out and said they understood my decision to fine him too
Give them warnings although I usually forget after they have been sent off two times.
I'm the opposite to the other posters; I always fine two weeks wages for sendings off and drop the player if they go on a hissy fit about the fine. I always drop the player until they admit their behaviour was wrong and would keep them away from first team games.

Allowing them to play when they're unhappy with you only prolongs their unhappyness with you. It can be tough for you though if your star signing is the one sent off and you are denied their services for games past their ban but persevere.

If they react well and apologise or say nothing then they get back in once the ban is over. I've had it backfire and have the majority of the squad up in mutiny against me but they eventually come around. I'd prefer they be unhappy with my harsh approach in the present once in a while if it stops stupid sendings off in the future. Just to add if someone is sent off in the first half, I say nothing to them in the half time team talk and then give them the hairdryer at the end of the match incase it affects other players performance adversely.

An observation I've made from my disciplined approach is that I doubt my method has the desired effect on the team as a whole; as I had about 10 red cards with AC Milan in a season (Flamini, Ambrosini and Nesta have Dives Into Tackles which is a red card magnet) but there were no re-offenders of those who got the 2 weeks fine for a red card.

Finally, check out the player's role in the team. Ball winning midfielders and defensive forwards have their tackling set to hard by default and usually pick up bookings very fast. If thats the case they should be making tackles as you're the one giving them the instruction to do it so its your fault then if they get sent off. Once they pick up a booking maybe set the players tackling to easy or normal so they at least stay on the pitch hopefully.
I did the same thing 5 times in one year lol
had the whole team gunning for me :)
i just put them all in res team and played the guys that didnt complain
i am V harsh to bad performances its lucky i have loads of cover for each position
i usually forget about who i warn so i just fine em off 1 week mainly, 2 weeks if it persists or is in a important match that end up losing because of. 1 weeks usually get accepted dependant on who the player is. Also boosts your squad discipline :)
depends for me. If the guy has 2-3 bad games in a row (ie form is below 6.6 rating) I first criticize his form in the press usually "below par" or "unhappy" depends on how far his rating has dropped off. I also drop them to the bench for 2-3 games. If they still play poorly off the bench it's a fine and dropped to reserves. If the guy has played really well over the last 5 matches or over the season and had one bad match in general it's nothing. But in the next match I always change his team talk to "I expect better" if it's a one off ie a midfielder conceding a penalty for example. I'm also always more careful with guys with a high influence attribute. I only reserve fines for consistently poor performance and unproffessional behaviour and when that happens I go for the max. I also issue a warning if if they play poorly and the asst mgr notes that they look complacent during a match.

I just prefer a high morale at all times.
Try not to fine unless nessery.

If they just get like 2 yellows, dont be so harsh, but if you watch them brake someones leg, and the commentary says that it looks bad or somthing and finally get a 3 match ban then you fine 1 week, not 2.

You only fine two, if the player is not in your plans, and you could get some money off him to buy like a worldclass cheap wonderkid, and if it is their 3rd time.