Using real person: double record or merged ?


May 24, 2016
Reaction score
Ok, we all know that some real names like Frank Rijkaard, Thierry Henry, Clarence Seedorf etc are currently not associated to any clubs.

But I checked in FM database, these name exist !

If I use the name of Frank Rijkaard, Thierry Henry or Clarence Seedorf (exact same details: DoB, height, weight etc).. the question is:
  • In terms of database record, will it merge my Frank Rijkaard into one? or will I be seeing 2 Frank Rijkaard?
And so vice versa for Thierry Henry, will I be seeing 2 or 1?

I hope I don't confuse you with my question.
Ok, we all know that some real names like Frank Rijkaard, Thierry Henry, Clarence Seedorf etc are currently not associated to any clubs.

But I checked in FM database, these name exist !

If I use the name of Frank Rijkaard, Thierry Henry or Clarence Seedorf (exact same details: DoB, height, weight etc).. the question is:
  • In terms of database record, will it merge my Frank Rijkaard into one? or will I be seeing 2 Frank Rijkaard?
And so vice versa for Thierry Henry, will I be seeing 2 or 1?

I hope I don't confuse you with my question.

Nope. The existing names are in the Database so that should they suddenly go into management or coaching, SI can put them into a patch quickly and not have to worry about their details at short notice. Add the details for these people have unique IDs. When you make your manager, it creates a unique ID for you. Rijkaard, Thierry Henry or Clarence Seedorf .ect, are still in your game, they're just not visible (or loaded, I don't know the specifics) but since you won't have their Unique ID, you won't have their database records.