Vauxhall Motors FC - All The Way To The Top

Ben McKinlay

Jan 28, 2012
Reaction score

Vauxhall Motors have hired unknown kiwi manager, Ben McKinlay as their new manager. This unexpected news has been met with optimism from fans, many believing a young manager with new ideas is exactly what the club needs to move forwards.

Alan Bartlam - I'm very glad to have the opportunity to work with this great young manager and I am sure he will be happy to answer any of your questions.

Journalist - Mr McKinlay, you sit here unveiled as Vauxhall's new manager? Is this your dream job?

Ben McKinlay - I'm absolutely delighted to be hired. I love football and to be given an opportunity to manage a club really is a dream come true.

Journalist - You haven't had any past managerial experience, have you? Why do you think the board have trusted you with this important position?

Ben McKinlay - No, I haven't had any past experience, not unless you count Football Manager, anyway! I suppose the reason I got the job was my ambition - I want the club to get promoted to League 1 within 5 years.

Journalist - Five years to climb three leagues may not sound much, but for a club this small, do you not think that might be just to tough an aim to achieve?

Ben McKinlay - That's an insult to this club! Of course we can climb three divisions in five years. I have confidence in my players and I have confidence in the board backing me. We can - we will - do this!

Alan Bartlam - I'm sorry, but we're out of time. Thank you for coming.

Hi. I hope you enjoy my story. It's my first one, so don't be too mean.

Here's a brief run down of my team:

My starting goalkeeper is pretty good, one of the best players in the team, in fact. The backup however is pretty bad. I might get a replacement backup, but that'll likely be quite low on the priorities list.
My central defense is not good. Not good at all. I have one great player in Michael Jackson but my second best is my right midfielder and my third best hasn't convinced my assistant manager he's good enough for the team. This area is definitely my highest priority.
My left backs are decent enough, with a three and a half star starter. The backup is 2 and a half stars, but might have to do for now, depending on the other areas.
My right backs are OK. I have a great starter in Brian Moogan, but the backups are abysmal. I'll have to get some replacements in, and fast.
As you can see, my squad isn't the strongest. My central midfield is probably one of my stronger areas and Sean Williams has 4 star potential.
I think I'm OK on the right side of midfield, with Steven Beck as a good starting option. I also have a backup with good potential, Craig Mahon, who is rated 4 and a half star potential.
On the left side, things aren't looking as good. I've got the 28 year old Neil Prince with two and a half stars as my best player there. He might be OK as a backup, but I'd rather have a stronger first team player for there. My backups there are worse, with my best central defender as my only currently decent to my equally as decent starter. Tom Grice does have 4 and a half star potential though.
I have one good striker. Not good for someone planning to play 4-4-2. I'm going to want to get a new striker or two, and maybe a decent backup too.

I'll post my finalised tactics later. I'll post my signings so far later too. Does anyone have any suggestions to help a beginner writer improve?

Formation: 4-4-2
Philosophy: Balanced
Strategy: Standard

This tactic has gotten me some pre-season success. Using it, I beat Fleetwood 4-1 at home and drew 1-1 with Tranmere, also at home.
I picked this tactic because it is easy for the players to learn and get good at.

Backup Tactic 1
Formation: 4-4-2
Philosophy: Fluid
Strategy: Attacking

This is our attacking strategy, to be used either when we are far in front or far behind and need to score.
I picked this tactic because it's useful to have an attacking strategy for the above situation.

Backup Tactic 2
Formation: 4-4-2
Philosophy: Rigid
Strategy: Counter

This is our defensive strategy for when we are narrowly in front and don't want to concede, for when we play teams in higher divisions, or for damage limitation.
I picked this tactic because in case I needed to defend.
Budget - £0
Wages - £500

We haven't had much luck as far as transfers go during the pre-season. We've lost a few of our most important players due to severely restricted wage budgets limiting our ability to sign them on any contract whatsoever. It also limited our ability to get new signings.


Chris Varnavas (Free)
An 18 year old central defender signed on a free transfer. Third best central defender in the squad, rated with a CA of 3 stars and a PA of 5 stars

Calum Flanagan (Free)
Another central defender, 19 years old. He has a CA of 3 and a half stars and a PA of 5 stars. Second best central defender in the squad.

Ben Townsend (Free)
A 29 year old right back with a current ability of two and a half stars. Didn't have much choice with this one, I needed a right back.

Mustafa Tiryaki (Loan)
Definitely the best striker in the squad. 24 years old with a 5 star CA. "Twice the player" of my next best striker. He goes back to Tranmere in January.

Steven Lozano-Calderon (Free)
A 19 year old left midfielder with a 2 and a half star CA and a 5 star PA. Signed him from the trial day.

People who Left
Anthony Wright - Free
Craig Mahon - Free
Tom Field - Free
Andy Taylor - Free
Mark King - Free
David Mannix - Free
Neil Prince - Free
Brian Moogan - Free

I didn't want to sell most of the ones who left, but I couldn't sign them due to lack of wage budget - really annoying.
Transfer - £0
Wages - £550​

Vauxhall Motors 4 - 1 Fleetwood Town
Great first game in charge of the club. This is the only game I've had a full squad and you can see by the score the quality of it.
Goal scorers: Nathan Pond (o.g.), Mustafa Tiryaki, Neil Prince, Michael Jackson

Vauxhall Motors 1 - 1 Tranmere
Decent match, a 1-1 draw against a club in League 1 isn't too bad.
Goal scorers: Lucas Akins (o.g.)

Lancaster City 1 - 0 Vauxhall Motors
Simply put, not good enough.This game was played using the general lineup I plan to play in the league, so I really hope this was a fluke.

Well, that was our pre-season. I'll probably post an update once every in-game month now. There's still a change of getting a couple more players in on loan and I'll probably sign a few more of my players on real contracts.
Looks good i'll follow
Awesome, thanks :). I won the first league game 2-0, so all going well so far.
Awesome, finally someone who doesn't make a 'heroic' story about getting to the top with a team that's already at or close to the top. I love these underdog stories :D I'm managing a Faroese team atm, it's awesome. Good luck with Vauxhall mate ;) What's their stadium capacity again? 300?
Awesome, finally someone who doesn't make a 'heroic' story about getting to the top with a team that's already at or close to the top. I love these underdog stories :D I'm managing a Faroese team atm, it's awesome. Good luck with Vauxhall mate ;) What's their stadium capacity again? 300?
They have a stadium capacity of 2500, but only 266 seated. Hopefully we'll get a stadium upgrade before the rules about all-seater stadiums come into play.
Anyone know of any full backs and wide midfielders who'd come to Vauxhall on loan? I'm really struggling to find any, and my board can't find any parent clubs either. And I can't sign anyone - I'm already £300 over my wage budget.

Thanks to everyone who's following. I'll hopefully get another update or two (or three (or four :p)) out tomorrow. I just need to get my loanees finalised.
Anyone know of any full backs and wide midfielders who'd come to Vauxhall on loan? I'm really struggling to find any, and my board can't find any parent clubs either. And I can't sign anyone - I'm already £300 over my wage budget.

Sign Sodinha if he's in your database, he's an AMR/AMC not an MR but still. I play him as an inside forward in my gloucester save. He has 17 dribbling... Won BSN player of the year, top goalscorer and most assists. I'm now in BSP and he's still owning all the player stats with an average rating of over 8.

Sone Aluko: ML/AML almost as good as Sodinha.
Eliot Paschalis: MRC/AMR Good enough for BSP
Stephen McKeown: MC/AMLC Not a ML/MR, but just look at his positions. He can play anywhere in the midfield with some position training.
Thomas Lyskov: DL/ML/AML good for BSN/BSS, decent backup for BSP
David Elebert: DC I know, not a full back, but he has 15-16 marking, tackling and heading (he's kinda sluggish though)
Sam Byles: DMC/DR/MC
Billy Gibson: DRC
Gavin Donoghue: DRC
Ronnie Bull: DL
Dylan Robinson: DRC

Those were most of my first season transfers, not including my strikers, goalkeepers and some DC's, DM's, MC's, and wingers. My work here is done :p
August Roundup

I have to admit, after the game against Lancaster pre-season, I was not looking forward to the league. I expected a tough season. To be honest, I wasn't convinced that this season would be any more than a fight to avoid relegation. So far, I've been wrong. Very wrong.

Colwyn Bay 0 - 2 Vauxhall Motors

A good start to the league against average opponents.
Goal scorers: Jon Egerton, Tom Grice

Vauxhall Motors 2 - 2 Gainsborough

A rather annoying draw. I think we probably could have won this, especially after what we've won since. I think I played my AF as DLF and vice versa, so they both played ****
Goal scorers: Michael Jackson, Jon Egerton

Guiseley 1 - 2 Vauxhall Motors
Back to winning ways with this match, so that was pleasing. Both my strikers scored too.
Goal scorers: Mustafa Tiryaki, Leighton McGivern

Vauxhall Motors 3 -
1 Hyde
A nice 3-1 win at home. Not to bad a result seeing as Hyde were supposed to win without much difficulty.
Goal scorers: Mustafa Tiryaki (2), Jon Egerton

FC Halifax 2 - 5 Vauxhall Motors
A very pleasing 5-2 victory against hot favourites FC Halifax. I expected a much tighter game but we were strong throughout.
Goal scorers: Mustafa Tiryaki (2), Leighton McGivern, Steven Lozano-Calderon (2)

Like I said, this was a great month for Vauxhall, and now we're 2 points clear at the top of the league.


After a great month for the Motormen, their new manager Ben McKinlay has been awarding the Manager of the Month award. His victory is likely down to the 4 wins he has led his club to this month. McKinlay will be looking to build on this first month's success to push for promotion this season.

This was a hard decision, with my star striker Mustafa Tiryaki fighting it out with my midfield maestro Jon Egerton for player of the month. In the end, I decided that without Mustafa's quality up front, we wouldn't have got as good results. I really hope I'll be able to renew his loan in January.

Well, thats it this month, hopefully I'll have another update by the end of the day.
look's really good i'm following i played with vauxhall on fm2012 handheld and got promoted first season then mid-table second season anyway good luck
September Roundup
A not to bad month, not as good as August, but not bad.

Vauxhall Motors 0 - 0 Hinckley
A rather disappointing start to the month, I must admit. I was slightly worried that my luck had run out after this game, that my team had realised they were supposed to be bottom of the table. Luckily, this seems to be a one off.

Histon 0 - 1 Vauxhall Motors
A decent win, though I do feel we could have done better.
Goal scorers: Mustafa Tiryaki

Vauxhall Motors 3- 1 Harrogate
Finally a victory I can be proud of. 3 very nice goals, only spoiled slightly by Harrogate's consolation goal.
Goal scorers: Mustafa Tiryaki (2), Josh Wilson

Worchester 2 - 2 Vauxhall Motors
The most annoying game this month, in my opinion, especially seeing as they only equalised in the last 15 minutes of the game.
Goal scorers: Michael Jackson, Mustafa Tiryaki

Well, not the worst month, but nor is it the best. We did however stay on the top of the table and are now 3 points clear. It would have been 5 if Worchester hadn't equalised, so yet another reason to add it to the "most annoying games list".

Mustafa Tiryaki
Mustafa's second Player of the Month reward and he's deserved it too. He's scored 4 goals this month, averaging at 1 goal a game. He's scored far more than anyone else in my team with 9 goals in total (the nearest second is Jon Egerton, with 3) and I really hope I'll be able to continue his loan until the end of the season.

I'm doing OK for now I think, though my finances are screwed. I'm £448 over my wages budget, but I can promise that without those wages, we would be bottom half of the league. Hopefully I'll be able to convince my board to find a new parent club, which will mean more loans (so less wage increases) and give me a bigger wage budget, so I'm not always in the red.
I'll hopefully post another update tomorrow.
not good enough.This game was played using the general lineup I plan to play in the league, so I really hope this was a fluke.

I hate this having virtually no wage budget thing! I'm not able to sign players on contracts due to lack of wage budgets, so the players are leaving, and I don't have enough wage budget to replace the players who are leaving. What's worse, no-one seems to want to come on loan to me, and very soon I'm only going to have 1 right midfielder. So annoying...
October Roundup
For Vauxhall, October has very much been a month centered around the FA Cup. Our over-performance has been taken to a whole new level with our FA Cup successes, but important first team players leaving and lack of wages to replace them threatens the club's promotion chances.
Solihull Moors 3 - 4 Vauxhall Motors (FA CUP 2ND QUALIFYING ROUND)​
Our first FA Cup match of the season and our first match of the month. A slightly disappointing match, due to Solihull scoring twice near the end of the match, but we stood firm.
Goal scorers: Chris Varnavas (2), Leighton McGivern, Steven Beck

Vauxhall Motors 4 - 0 Curzon Ashton (FA CUP 3RD QUALIFYING ROUND)
Another FA Cup qualifier, another victory for Vauxhall Motors. A nice 4 goal victory, though it had to be expected against a team from a lower division.
Goal scorers: Mustafa Tiryaki (2), Tom Hannigan, Chris Noone

Vauxhall Motors 2 - 2 Gloucester
Not much to say about this one other than that it was rather disappointing.
Goal scorers: Tom Grice, Lee Dames

Vauxhall Motors 3 -
Yet another FA Cup game and the finest victory of the lot. We were outsiders in this match against a team in a higher division, but our quality shone through and we won by two goals.
Goal scorers: Ben Townsend, Michael Jackson, Tom Hannigan

A fab month in the FA Cup, though our one league game was disappointing. We finished this month top of the league on goal difference. Hopefully we'll be able to build on our great start to the FA Cup and go a bit further and get a bit extra cash too.


Since Steven Beck has left, Chris Noone has had to step up a bit and fill a more prominent role in the team and performed well. Tom Grice had to step up too, but he had already had a splattering of first team action.

McKinlay Wants Cash, rumours say
An insider can report that young Vauxhall manager, Ben McKinlay and owner, Alan Bartlam have gotten into several rows over the club's wage budgets. McKinlay is insisting that for the team to grow, certain financial standards must be met - for one, a proper wage budget. Bartlam disagrees, but reports indicate that Bartlam is not willing to risk losing the club's miracle-working manager.

Sorry its been so long since the last update, I was busy yesterday then went back to school after the holidays today. I'll get some more updates out this weekend.