Vincent enyema best goalkeep on the game?


Oct 16, 2009
Reaction score
I allways thought akinfeev was a decent keep one of the best imo, i have enyema for my newcastle team starting 3rd season had him for 2 and went to buy akinfeev compared stats and enyema is better i only paid 650k!!!
so who is?
Hes a good keeper but not a great one. Hes not on the same level as players like Cech, Adler and Casilas.
Adler, Neuer, Casillas, Cech are the best goalkeepers in the game...
Great keeper for price you can get him (i got him for free 2nd season) but no way is he best on the game
Reina imo. Probably being a bit biased :L
Joe Hart is by far the best goalkeeper on the game in my experience
In terms of Value for Money, Eneyema is certainly one of the best keepers in the game- I've seen him go for some very cheap prices. Probably not the same standard as Cech, Casiallas or Valdes but for the low-price you can get him, yeah he's worth it.
Cheap GK wise I prefer Pantilimon or if possible Thibaut Courtois.
Never was able to get a decent performance from him for me. Played him at Newcastle when I had an injuy crisis in the goalkeeper department. But he seemed to leak goals and make really stupid mistakes, like passing the ball to an opposing teams striker for no reason.

Maybe it's just in my game.