Want to be Prestige 9 Modern Warfare 2?

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Mar 23, 2010
Reaction score

Many of you guys will not like me, but i do not care.
Is anybody here wanting to become a 9th Prestiger on Modern Warfare 2 PS3??
If so i can do it for you.

Any requests and i will do it for you.

Please do not go off of the main subject. *9th Prestige*

Thanks, Marlon :)

Many of you guys will not like me, but i do not care.
Is anybody here wanting to become a 9th Prestiger on Modern Warfare 2 PS3??
If so i can do it for you.

Any requests and i will do it for you.

Please do not go off of the main subject. *9th Prestige*

Thanks, Marlon :)

This is classed as cheating!!! wheres the fun in that???
ps3 hackers aren't trustable i would do it but i don trust u
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If he want's to cheat, let him. Just don't comment on it :)
Its quite easy, you tube has tutorials, wouldn't trust any stranger with my account :p
**** off mate.:S

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If he want's to cheat, let him. Just don't comment on it :)

I believe it is my right as a gamer to comment on cheaters!
Cheaters ruin games for EVERYONE, wheres the fun in cheating, why spend £40 on a game to cheat your way through it.
Cheaters should be banned from online games, period!
Closed before this already aavb thread gets ruined further. JustKituno, no need.
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