Want to create a utimate championship side on version 10.03 on football mnager 2010

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Aug 27, 2010
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My idea is to create a ultimate championship side on football manager 2010 version 10.03, thus winning the league, I have chosen to be Preston North End as they are the team I support (unlucky ****** I know!!!) I have 1.3million to spend, if people have players that could be signed for Preston North End either by loan or transfer, please could you list them with position and price tag or loan would be very appreciative. I know people may think do it yourself, but think by getting everyone’s input on signing players, it would be interesting to see how many points I could acquire to win the title.
i just got up via the play-offs with preston play 4-3-3 had parkin as target man with to head Jonathan Crictaldo on loan in the middle as a poacher with welbeck as a complete on the left of the 3 also brought in Grant Mccann in the middle & Gus Joppen in defence what you think ...
I’ve bought a right back called Opare from R Madrid for 275K, looking to bring Muamba on Loan from Bolton, and on the verge of signing Montgomery from Sheff Utd for 400k plus Hart, is McCann from Scunthorpe, any good? Is he a defensive mid or attacking midfielder
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