Watch as I get Chester out of the relegation Zone

Jan 20, 2010
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Hi new to this so hopefully its in the right part
My aim is to Chester out of the relegation Zone, I know its going to be tough but im up for a challenge. I will put Pics and texts up once a month to let yopu know how im getting on, hopefully will be ok any comments either positive or bad welcomed.
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I shouldn't be tough really.....You've got enough money
good luck. you should be able to win champs league second season :Dlol
A Chelsea fan doing a Man City story :O
Let's be honest this isn't a challenge but good luck anyway :)
Not really tough, I won the league in the first season and CL and FA in season 2, but good luck anyway.
After a long hard think. Ive decided to try and keep chester out of the relegation zone. Thats more of a challenge.