Ways to get a player to talk contract with you..


Jul 22, 2010
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So i'm Juventus and RVP is at Arsenal with 6 months left to run on his deal but he wont talk to me, is there any way of changing this people?
Just hope he doesn't sign a new contract or with someone else. Win the serie a and then sign him up when he leaves. Worked for me at Napoli.
Quite realistic really, he didn't want to talk to them in real life either. ;)
So i'm Juventus and RVP is at Arsenal with 6 months left to run on his deal but he wont talk to me, is there any way of changing this people?

praise him in the media..although that very rarely works, there is a small chance that it might, and praising him (not incessantly) does no harm. Also, keep tabs on him and keep checking whether or not he'll get into contract negotiations with you...the situation might keep changing, and sometimes you have to nab the player at the exact right time.
Dont worry mate. i presume ur on an early lfc marshall update like i was. I was liverpool and for months i approached him - nothing. But as soon as he was actuallu a free agent in the summer, then he was willing to talk.