
Jul 5, 2014
Reaction score
Can anyone give me some ideas for albion save like what players are worth keeping&who is not needed no more


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You gonna open a thread for every game? Who you buy and keep completely depends on the formation and player roles.
That still doesnt help. Are you looking for an anchor man, attacking fbs, wingers, inside forwards, two ball winners or playmakers or box to bob midfielders, a poacher, a targetman...
Exactly as WKDsoul said it's dependent on your system, form and finances. You're basically asking us to manage the team for you.
That still doesnt help. Are you looking for an anchor man, attacking fbs, wingers, inside forwards, two ball winners or playmakers or box to bob midfielders, a poacher, a targetman...

Okay so im going to play 4-1-2-3

Complete wingbacks
Ball playing defender
Dlp/AP/Box2Box (CM)
Advanced Forward/Complete Forward

Was going to play control/flexible but wondering if people think different
I think that Saido Berahino and Salomon Rondom are the best players in your team and you should keep them at any cost :)
I think you need to start just playing the game and enjoying it rather than looking for everyone else's input and doing a save with every club in the game. I know it can be hard to become settled at a club but if you just choose a team, stick with them and do your own thing you'll learn as you go and I think you'll find it will be much more enjoyable