What is the bast way to set up a new game exactly?

May 13, 2010
Reaction score
Hi Everyone,

The past few times that i have been setting up games on Fm14 i have chosen all the Eurpean leagues apart from say 4 or 5 of them as "view only mode" i.e keep eng,sco,ger,spa as playable and the rest as i said "view only"

Is this reccomended to do so as i get one person saying to me nah dont do this it screws the game up blah-blah,then on the other hand i get someone else saying to me,yeah makes the game more enjoyable,more varied selection of players etc etc.Whats your view on this everyone? And what settings would YOU start your new game up like?

Also,manager reputation what should i always start off as?

Sorry about all the questions folks just want to try get a good balanced save on the go.Help appreciated.

It all depends on your computer. You should open as many playable leagues as possible if your computer can handle it.
Reputation I think doesn't matter much, unless you start without a club (which I have never tried before).
Your reputation will influence your teams tendency to be motivated playing for you. If you choose Sunday league player, everyone will have to be won over before they love you as a manager. If you choose international player, they'll be a lot more motivated and happier. If you choose automatic then it will all be neutral.
For clubs the more playable leagues you have up the more regens you can expect to see and the more players available from those countries too. It always has the benefit of helping out your players when you loan them out to one of those countries.

Manager reputation will have an influence over players for you and a few other smaller things, it's also key in finding a job if you get sacked, want to move on or start without a club. Leaving it on automatic is fine for 99% of the time, if you want to do a more involved LLM/journey man game you start with it on Sunday league and start unemployed.
Small database always. Load as much as possible playable leagues.

I have 50+ leagues and with small database. That's around 70.000 players which is more than enough, and transfer market will mostly work because there will be many clubs to create demand, but small database will limit supply.