What is your hair and eye colour?

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Fish Hunter

Jul 12, 2010
Reaction score
Ok, I'll start out. I have a typical Nordic look with blue eyes and dark blond hair. I am Danish, so it's not surprising. How do you look like?
Ok, I'll start out. I have a typical Nordic look with blue eyes and dark blond hair. I am Danish, so it's not surprising. How do you look like?

Wow, I just realized something... Bold part + your nick.... you came here to **** b*****s ? :D
Lol at Vanjagl ;)

Im a stereotype Irish guy...
Red hair and Brown eyes(no freckles and i dont have sallow skin). Any red jokes and i will open a can of whoop ***. ;)
Dark brown hair and blueeyes, the base is really running out of good thread btw.

We need more creme egg = omelette threads :)
Dark brown hair and blueeyes, the base is really running out of good thread btw.

We need more creme egg = omelette threads :)

Yes I know, but we have to have some threads in the OT! And not every single one has to be something from the newspaper :p
Brown hair and Hazel eyes. I used to be more ginger haired but its faded into a light-ish brown long ago.
Black hair and dark brown eyes.

I'm all Hitler hates in a man.
Jet Black Hair and brown eyes ... luckily I spike it up so I don't look like an emo about to slit his wrists. Thinking of grtting brown highlights at the top of my hair where I spike it coz I do it like a mohican lol .
im brown hair(though in bits its going grey) im only 29 sobs and blue eyes
Have things really become this bad? This thread is pathetic and creepy at the same time. What's next? 'What shoe size are you'
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