
Dec 6, 2008
Reaction score
I've just completed my first season with Wigan. I somehow managed to win the FA Cup, Europa League, Community Shield and the Championship. Sounds f*cking great, right? Wrong. From my players doing well, as you have already guessed every team under the sun has come in for them. I keep on rejecting their advances, but the players eventually submit a transfer request. [Not much I can do when Madrid, Barca, Bayern ect come knocking].


This is the players. I also have a 30m budget as I didn't touch my transfer budget from the first season. [I sold the other wigan players to build my squad and ended up making 1m on profits]

I'm unsure on what to do, i've tried a few things but none have really panned out. I don't really want to rebuild my whole squad considering i`m about to enter my first season in the EPL as I'll end up being the whopping boys, whereas I could get away with it playing in the Championship allowing my players to gain a understanding of eachother and get fluid with my tactics.
How on earth did you raise enough to buy them players, let alone them all be interested to join?
I would like to have a look at your finances. and how many times you have saved your game, because this sounds a little too good to be true. Also how did you manage to get Humam Tariq? ive bought him in almost every save, also england and never has his transfer gone trough in the first season, the transfer date always becomes the summer the next year.
I would like to have a look at your finances. and how many times you have saved your game, because this sounds a little too good to be true. Also how did you manage to get Humam Tariq? ive bought him in almost every save, also england and never has his transfer gone trough in the first season, the transfer date always becomes the summer the next year.

Not really relevant if he got the players legit or not, it's a single player game.
Not really relevant if he got the players legit or not, it's a single player game.

Exactly. Its obvious what happened here but to each his own. Boasting that he's won all those trophies "with Wigan" is another thing entirely tho.

On point Id say as long as your players have time on their contracts then refuse to sell who you dont want to sell. They wont like it at first but when they see that the window has shut and they re not going anywhere they ll slowly come to their senses.
yea it was just the boasting about the trophies i reacted to. him saying he "somehow" managed to win all that, when its obvious he has "cheated" in some way. Tired of the people in the fm community that do that