What to change my name to?

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Nov 4, 2009
Reaction score
i am thinking about changing my FM-base Username, but what to? i would like som suggestions and please no stupid or offensive ones or this thread will get closed...

if you think my username is fine as it is just say but.
I think this thread'll get closed anyway.

But whilst I'm here, may I suggest just Neall? All the cool kids (Max's saying) have just their names (H)
Neall is probably fine.

But, you could probably PM a few people instead of making a thread buddy, 'like all the cool kids do'. :p

Although, not my section so you're free, for now. :$
I think this thread'll get closed anyway.

But whilst I'm here, may I suggest just Neall? All the cool kids (Max's saying) have just their names (H)

yeah i requested to kris to change it to Neall but he didn't get back to me lol
yeah i requested to kris to change it to Neall but he didn't get back to me lol
Redders, Sean or Lee can also do it if you ask them kindly enough.

I would do it, but only admin's can, plus I wouldn't know how anyway.
Change it to Neil* so we can both be greatest members ever ;)
Just when i think some of the threads on here cant get any worse,along comes this one.
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