I can adapt.

I go by various styles, but I am not a hardliner. I attribute to the styles of which teams play and, sometimes customise it to my liking.

If I were to manage in Italy, and the team plays best with a 3-man defence, then I will customise that slightly, despite my hatred for such formations, and then play to the team's strengths.

People who hardline sometimes miss out on things that would improve the way that they play and, invariably, lose games that they should be winning.
A disciplinarian. Red cards are always fined 1 weeks' wages, straight reds are fined 2 weeks' wages.

Tactics wise, I go by the players present, the opposition's lineup as well as the scoreline. Against Man Utd for example, I played Park the Plane for 30 minutes. When Valencia got injured, I switched to another tactic I have made which is specifically for attack. I won the game.
it depends on the player, if I think (know) I can be hard with them I am, if I know being hard on them will cause them to spit the dummy out I'll take a more relaxed approach.

two yellows sendings off are always a warning 1st time around, straight reds are always one weeks wages fine. I then adjust the punishments for persistent offenders (I don't have any ;) )

I don't like my players to get booked, period! I'd love a feature where we can talk to the players about their disciplinary record though. I had Tomas Zapotocny in my '09 save and he was always getting booked/sent-off. He also didn't like me, couldn't motivate himself for me, etc. I let the **** leave for free despite having 2 years on his contract cos he was just a liability.
I'm quite soft. I give 2 chances, then the next time it's a week fine, then 2 week fine.
I quite tough on my formation. If the players don't fit to my tactic; they will adapt to the tactic or they will be sold.
i try hardlining on my players and its my good players such as Afellay who throw there toys out the cot. So i hardline, but it annoys me to do so, seeing as chelsea came sniffing
Strict, I don't like to have players who thinks they are in charge (H)...also I'm very straight forward in my approach, I try to attack every time, regardless of the opponent
I'm a softy, warnings for red cards unless they get sent off twice or more in a season, then the fines get dished out. I try to keep all my players happy, helps with squad morale and improves performance
I'm a softy, warnings for red cards unless they get sent off twice or more in a season, then the fines get dished out. I try to keep all my players happy, helps with squad morale and improves performance

Do you sell your players when they ask?
im like a pep guardiola and ferguson combined, i play fluid attacking football, interact and praise my players often but if they get on my bad side they get sold or thrown into the reserves =)
I usually stick with the same tactic / style of play as it seems to work for me. I will usually play people who are frustrated and if they prove themselves they will keep playing. If a player repeatedly plays bad I will warn them. If a player receives a red car, warning, another red card = 1 weeks wages and so on. I tend not to have favourite players unless they are planning on a staff role then I will usually attempt to "lick their ***" so they will sign as a coach or whatever !
Do you sell your players when they ask?

no, I politely tell them that I will build the team to match their ambition - has worked so far, but it probably helped that I won the league in the 1st season. On fm10, I ended up losing otamendi to real on a free when he was valued at £18m though with this approach :S

I occasionally say 'im the boss, you're going nowhere' but only with players that I'm not too bothered about
Yeah i advise not attempting it with a star player, Afellay did not take to it well and i ended up having to sell him to keep the squad harmony high
I'm quite soft. I give 2 chances, then the next time it's a week fine, then 2 week fine.
I quite tough on my formation. If the players don't fit to my tactic; they will adapt to the tactic or they will be sold.

Quite the same. When players don't fit in my tactic, they will be sold, only if i think they het much potential.
Depends on the player. I'm a pushover to any reasonably good player to be honest, but I enjoy fining my **** players for next to nothing.
im like de jong if he was a manager : hassle oppenents always on, closing down on, hard tavkling on every player, high determined and you gotta love 3 defence too players in forawrd wide positions with target man
I generally just issue warnings rather than fines unless a player is just being a ****. I have found some players go OTT like Hutton and Bikey both requested transfers when they deserved their fines. But hey if a player wants to leave I just look for a cheaper/younger replacement. I have slowly managed to remove most of my trouble makers/greedy bastards from my team!!!