What your game time?

hishest is 20days 4 hours and 34mins
it was over like 4weeks tho
<a href="http://picasaweb.google.com/lh/photo/-_gPKBsU05qmVP06DVFJBg?feat=embedwebsite"><img src="http://lh6.ggpht.com/_MWCLfhZKhWU/SiazbizdBPI/AAAAAAAAByA/rJ98v66esng/s800/SS-2009.06.03-18.31.01.jpg" /></a>
i would like to say i'm not incredibly sad... i'm just a little sad. my game time is so high because i minimise my game a lot during the game and do home work, revision and other things like that i've alos been playing on one game since fm 09 came out. these are all reasons why my game time is ridiculously high.
View attachment 5737
i would like to say i'm not incredibly sad... i'm just a little sad. my game time is so high because i minimise my game a lot during the game and do home work, revision and other things like that i've alos been playing on one game since fm 09 came out. these are all reasons why my game time is ridiculously high.
View attachment 5737

wow! :O