
Mar 9, 2016
Reaction score

I am trying to create a counter tactic where after winning the ball near penalty are, the team will quickly pass the ball through the middle and then attack through crossing by wingers or through ball to lone striker(DF).. But my problem is, no matter where they win the ball from either from middle or from opponent wide players, they always hoof the ball to the striker or the wingers even tough all three central midfield player is free from opponent marking.

And defensively the team keep leaking goals from a long very accurate pass to opponent wingers or direct long through ball from opposition area to a running striker. Anyone could help me with the tactic?
You'll probably get more help if you post a screenshot (or write it out) of the tactic and the instructions used.
Screenshots would be great. But just going on what you described -

- If they are hoofing it forward instead of passing, is your passing set to mixed/long? Setting it to short should discourage hoofing.
- Are there any playmakers in your midfield? Your team will generally try to play through playmakers (AP, DLP etc). That could help.
- Crosses from opposite wingers - you could set your players to mark them. And set player instruction to "mark tighter" specifically for players on the wings. I had a similar problem. I got around it by using a combination of hard tackling and tight marking.