Why certain players can't be scouted?


Sep 10, 2012
Reaction score
I'm just trying to scout players that come up in player search, but some of them can't be scouted. Why is this? It's maddening cause I can't just assign my scouts to scout them all at once, but instead I'm supposed to do it one by one? What is that all about?!? #¤!"@#"32#¤&!!:$

I already tried using the filter to only show players based in those countries that I'm allowed to scout in, but it didn't help much. Also I'm only trying to scout players that haven't been scouted before, and whose contracts have expired.

Who's going to go through thousands of players one by one just to get report cards of them? Most of them are useless anyway.

Also can someone tell me what is a shortlist? What happens if I clear my shortlist? Cause there's a bunch of uninteresting players in my shortlist.. What's the difference between news (golden star), subscribe and shortlist? lol
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You have to select which player to scout individually, it's not an option to scout all of the players from the Player Search, and the process shouldn't take too long.

Your shortlist is the list of players you are somewhat interested in, they are in it because you have scouted them.
If you don't want to keep them in it, then right click, Scouting, Remove from shortlist (default).
you can shift click to select a large number of players at once if you like. But it will spam the **** out of you because it short lists them too, I'd say to refine your search to 20 or so players and then shift click to highlight them all and ask for scouting reports.
Ok. Thanks for that. I already noticed I can select any number of players at a time and assign my scout to them all simultaneously.

What I really wanted to know is, why can't some players be scouted at all? Because it is those individuals, that will prevent me from simply selecting ten players and getting a report card of them all with one click.

Individually it would certainly take too long, cause there's thousands of players there.
It may be that those players are outside of your scouting range? I've seen this with lower league clubs in England when I have several leagues uploaded.
If you sign a coach with knowledge of a country so far away that your board wont allow scouting then the players will show up on shortlist but cant be scouted.
Ok, but I thought that would get solved if I just filtered where the searched players are based in, shouldn't it?

I do see that I don't get scouting options for those players who are already in the pool.. That's bad too, cause I would potentially like more opinions on them.. Already signed a few players that got worse right after signing the contract. Well at least they can be sold for some money.
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