
Apr 27, 2009
Reaction score
Hello, i was managing mallorca for 3 seasons, and got an amazing defensive midtfielder for 10mil £, and the most i could sell him for was 25mil £. A month later i decited to become manager of spain, and right after that, the new manager for mallorca sold the same player for 51mil£ to real madrid.

How come?
Why coud'nt i sell him for that much,

Heres a screen (sorry that the language is danish in the player profile

And my other problem is, that everytime i manage a club, and have the best players in the world in small clubs like mallorca or catania, i dont even get one single bid on them. No one wants to bid on my players. Why? Not even 20mil£ for a player almost as good as Lionel Messi.
dont make duplicate threads

to be honest you should be happy that they are not stealing your best players. set a maximum asking price, and if they really want the player they will bid at that
didnt meen to. i just used some wrong numbers in the previous one,
Well, i want clubs to bid, cause it gets borring if i have the same players the whole game.
if you offer a player out you will not get the same value, because they know you want to get rid of him. its like real life. if we had offered out ronaldo we would not have got 80 million. we got 80 million because we absolutely did not want to sell, but he wanted to go and he had his price.
ok so in transfer status i set if, like 40mil if thats what i want. And if clubs want him, they know that thats what they have to bid`?
yeah but they may not bid at all, they want to get maximum value too